Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Adi Kesava temple at Sri Perumbudur....religion.

The temple is huge with the unmistakable print of Vijayanagar emperor's bounty.Neat and nicely kept and quiet.
It struck me as i stepped on to the ground with my bare feet leading to the temple  which is right opposite o the house where Sri Ramanjar was born and raised , that once upon  a time this very ground  was touched and thus sanctified by the feet of this great acharya and that i was lucky to be doing so now.

Since the temple of Vishnu predates Ramanujar ,he must ave worshipped in these very precincts and i could feel his assuring presence as meditated and ciumbulated the silent corridors .
There is a  separate sanidhi for Ramanjar .According to the priest presiding over the puja's the panchaloka idol of Ramanujar was fashioned in Ramnujars lifetime itself  ,towards the end of his long 120 years of life and was given the finishing touches by the acharya himself, before it was installed , there in. The priest continued saying whilst the SriRangam temple houses in its compound the physical body of Sri Ramanujar, interred , the temple at Sri perumbudur has his spirit or atma encased ,for all times to come.

The prasadam viz 'pulihorai 'that is tamarind rice is as tasty as the prasadam available at Vardhrajar temple at Kanchipuram.



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