Thursday, September 20, 2012

Burdensome notoriety.

Black magic
Barely a few months back i was an unknown entity,plodding through these dirty streets  where even the mangiest mongrel wouldn't grace me with a glance.

Now due to ppt's  and over exuberance of  their most reliable alliance partners and co in executing an unique and so far unheard and unseen form of interrogation [ it must be sent to Guinness book of world records]  every rowdy ,be it two bit  or ruthless dada's themselves from the nearby slum and also all those adjoining them ,know me ..Such is my notoriety now.

Thankfully the mangy mongrels still do not look my way. But they are not harmful ,are they?

Since i have been burdened with this unwanted celebrity/ notoriety  status ,ppt's have to burden themselves with my protection [ black cats] all my life.An responsibility invited upon them selves irresponsibly.                    Yet another proof of callous disregard to individual's liberties and public money.



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