Sunday, September 16, 2012

The art of diversion.

Now that i am becoming more and more familiar with dirty tricks ,being in the receiving end in all its intensity yet performed with such fine subtlety that it is never wholly visible and could fox even the most intelligent, aware and seasoned person. One thing that is very much apparent is that politics as practised here at present [ my eyes have been opened only recently, so this short time line] is purely an art of diversion.

In genius or should i say evil genius at full play that toys with the lives of common people ,who are used as mere pawns to be blown hither and thither in the quest to retain power and maintain the status quo at all costs.

An kidnap or two of high profile persons are engineered and then released to rattle the concerned state's .Moving large body of people from one state to another and putting the blame conveniently on the most reliable enemy to date[Pak] and thus securing two fruits with one hit [ oru kalila rendu manga---a tamil saying] that of driving the carnage , the reasons behind them and their rectifications out of public minds that are willing to be diverted and at the same time riling the most favoured enemy and deriving petty satisfaction out of it.

The frothing and fuming with great exaggeration at the insult to national emblems is only to establish the credentials of 'Patriotism' that was seen to be lacking and then feign reluctance to let go off an unknown young man whose creations were also unknown till then after the predictable hue and cry with the opposition also neatly snared in this patriotic exercise..Simply brilliant!

And the melee near the seas. A bad joke gone too far.


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