Saturday, September 8, 2012

Unwelcome waste.

An early morning stroll along the coast line ,with waves lapping and cooling one's feet ,is what one dreams about.

The beach is the second longest in the world. It so stretches on and on that its tail, both ways, is lost in the horizon.The waves here are huge and ferocious and the sound of their fury is delicious.

Welcome to Marina beach. No, i just issued a wrong and very outdated [dating back to decades] invitation. I retract it.

The beach is ofcourse long.Its beauty is however out of reach of every morning walkers feet as it has been overtaken by a equally long line of early morning abulators.

The early morning sun rising from the sea and pouring millions of unscoopable twinkling stars on the restlessly pounding waves ,is a sight to behold, savour and cherish.

Perish this thought, the beach is strewn with regular outcomes of the bowel movements of lazy layabouts [ who can easily use or be made to use the toilets very much visible near the main road]that will banish any one's simple desire to dabble and paddle in the sea , once and for all.

Photo :Marina beach,


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