Monday, August 27, 2012


Everybody wants something from somebody.

The events of past months and weeks crowded into my mind making me feel sick and desolate.
Blood is shed for land,emotions run high puffing up faces , cracking voices, adding bags under eyes, thinning and greying of the crowning glory as the fight for power and control increases with each passing day , the unstemmable ratting and re- ratting.

Minds are cruelly and unethically picked and the pickings casually reshaped to fill one's pocket and also used with foolish alacrity in check mating adversaries in unthinking ,quick fixes! Persecution of individuals who refuse to toe the line , turning one's own kith and kin to spy for the state ,some gullible the unsuspecting pawns, few others with grouses to grind have grasped this golden oppurtunity gleefully and several others in sheer terror of authorities , a la KGB style in this 'Great game of power'on the specious plea that it is for' general good'.

The treachery of it all overwhelmed me as i stood near the window , unseeing yet hoping to draw some sustenance from the greenery of the fragile leaves gleaming in the early morning sun that were dancing in graceful and gentle movements in tune with the unseen breeze blowing through it.It didn't.

A slight movement on a slender branch that was rippling up and down like seesaw arrested my attention.
In an instant the baseness that human beings can and often descend to, that had clouded me, lifted and took wings.
A rosy beaked , shining red eyed ,grey pigeon ,arching its glittering green neck looked at me enquiringly as its pink claws rested confidently on the moving bough.

Its very presence lighted me and filled me with a warm glow. It bespoke of a manipulation not of man but of something higher ,call it even instinct.

It looked so healthy [ it is mystifying how wild creatures who have to fend for themselves never look emaciated or scraggy] and full of life ,yet untouched by its vagaries,happy and contented.

It continued looking at me without taking fright at my presence , enquiringly. I realised that it too needed something from somebody --me , its daily bonanza , a fistful of grains .


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