Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ahobilam----- -religion.

Ahobilam in Andra pradesh is a divya desam .There are nine temples dedicated to the man lion avatar of Vishnu known as Narsimhar.

According to Bramha purana Ahobilam is the place where the demon king Hiranayakasupu lived and was later killed by Vishnu assuming the fierce Narsimha avatar.

The legend is that Garuda performed severe tapas in these hills which came to be called as Garudadhari in his honour, to have a vision of Vishnu as Narsimaha avatar and Bhagwan obliged by appearing in the man lion form and took residence in these hills and married a woman belonging to the local Chenchu tribe , who was none other than Mahalakshmi herslf.These tribesman have special privileges in the Bramhotsavam conducted annually , till date.

Another belief associated with this place is that Sri Rama along with is brother Lakshman worshipped Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar by meditating on 5 slokas and was rewarded with the means to rescue Sita from the vile clutches of Ravana.

Adi Shanakaracharya is said to have been saved from being killed by a kapalika by Narsimhar when Shankara traversed these hills.

This is also the place where the first pontiff of Ahobila mutt Sri Aazhagiya singar ,was at the tender age of 17 was blessed with a vision of Bhagwan in ascetic robes , who commanded the seer to establish a mutt for propagation of Vaishnavism .The pontiff immediately set up the 'Ahobila mutt' which has till date engaged in this noble quest.


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