Saturday, September 8, 2012

Not a joke?

Heard president Obama's speech seeking re election to the highest post on this earth and had a quite a good laugh at his alluding to dousing wild fires and handling of draughts as not a joke.
How peaceful and prosperous life must be in there when leaders are called upon only to douse wild fires and not communal conflagrations and face poverty and draughts as a rare occurence unlike the normal course of life in here!

What a piece of cake it is to be the leader of US and thus in default a leader of the world!

However i could strain out an uniformity of thought and quest between leaders of two countries which have a 50 year gap of development between them in Obama's keen interest in self sufficiency in energy and its renewablity i find a resonance half way across the world , in Modi's passion for the same which he openly displayed in his meeting with youngsters in google hang out.

A six footer with 6 packs to boot at an age an paunch invariably pops out, with a highly educated and equally matched wife, with two beautiful and loving daughters to boast of and to cap it all to be first ever 'black president' of the most powerful white nation of this world , an unthinkable proposition just decade back, refers to a tall sturdy young soldier who walked firmly on a artificial leg to meet him and further speaks of that doughty mans cheerfulness which he witnessed later as he went on a cycling trip ,as a source of inspiration for him to lay stake for a second term! This was greeted with loud applause and tears streaming down women's eyes who seemed to be in very large numbers , his doting fans, at this meeting .

In this allusion to the source of his inspiration i detect an envy ,the envy of that man's unfettered simple happiness unmindful of his handicap ,even proud of it ,of having acquired it or rather divesting a part of him in the service of his country.

To some the crown one wears is that which pricks and stings,like as if made of thorns.The president just let his inner most thought, slip through.

Make way Obama , your rival can't wait to wear it .To him it is bejeweled and well cushioned.


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