Thursday, September 20, 2012

Black cat.

As i walked into our compound after an early morning walk i saw this black cat , in house feline, looking up longingly at a squirrel that was clambering up the uneven surface of the outer wall  and doing an acrobatic act of keeping its balance whilst negotiating the second floor wall before jumping on to the safety of a neem tree that was caressing the wall with its pungent leaves.

The cat barely gave me a glance ,till the prey was out of  its sights but once it realised that it was out of its reach ,it swallowed its disappointment  and with remarkable swiftness ,darted towards me purring and brushing its lithe black and white, satin like shining body, a miniature snow leopard ,velvetish to touch, with its tail raised, the only abdominable practise ,in an otherwise dainty and clean picture it portrays
I some how extricated myself from its effusive show of affection and got on to the lift. It couldn't be shaken off so easily. Its hunger made it follow me and its intelligence showed the way--by the staircase. It was waiting  for me at the doorstep.

It gobbled up 3 whole biscuits in a trice whilst it would normally be satiated with just one and was looking at me for more. Its usual fawning patrons at the ground floor, absent, maybe out of town since their entrance was not adorned with the usual bright kolam.

This coupled with its inability to make a successful hunt  had made it latch on to me tenaciously, pestering for more..


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