Friday, November 2, 2012

What is religion?

In the ultimate analysis religion is nothing but a comforting concept dealing with the most unacceptable and indigestible truth that confronts each and every being ,that is thinking human beings, that of 'death.'

That deadly state that no one thinks of and is wilfully blind to unless it nears one's near and dears or oneself.
The most defining concept  for all of us is the sense of' I' ,'Me' and 'Myself'.And the most troubling question that confronts one is "How can I be extinguished ? It cannot be and should not be .Iam sure to exist in some form or the other.I cannot be wiped off the slate  .It is just impossible."

It is precisely at this most vulnerable juncture that religion comes in with its explanations as to what happens after death .The most comforting explanation given about the state of person after death renders that religion more popular than others.

Every human being is confronted with that invisible and insurmountable yet rock hard wall that very effectively and to some frustratingly ,blocks intelligence and intellect from penetrating it , and to have even a tiniest glimpse or the minutest grasp of that which ,one is very sure ,lies beyond.

So all religions are based on 'Fear'.The basic foundation of all religions is raised on this fear of the unknown and  is developed over man's ego.Advise is tendered as per perceptions, experience, observations and inspirations as to how best one can deal with this bitter, bitter truth , that of one's erasure ,one day or the other.



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