Thursday, November 1, 2012

Abstract and concrete.

Th'I'r'D' mubharak for kubharak manualists for successfully brainwashing my own kin against me however Vijay dashami goes to my internet kin who has uncapped Bahu't hot gas from KGB that has countered and vapourised the heavy deluge let loose by Nilam.

The former, preplanned meticulously with ruthless selfishness in unison and the latter spontaneous outcome of reverberations of the pain of insurmountable betrayal .


Kubarak manual ---Deals with no touch torture.


Nilam--cyclonic storm

KGB.Krishna Godavari Basin as well as the notorious espionage agency used for furtherance of dictatorial\oligarchic rule by sowing deep distrust even within kith and kin.

Bahu--Punjabi Sufi saint..



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