Tuesday, November 20, 2012

License to write. [From my diary 18.11.12]

At last escape from that cell with kgb and co breathing down my back 24 hours a day .I am at Bangalore and am writing this from the roof of the tiny serviced apartments we are lodged in  so as to visit my ailing mother who has taken a turn for worse .

There  now, I  had thought with optimism unknown to my nature that i had successfully shrugged off  my surveyors in this bjp ruled state .Wrong again.A young man has come up and is fiddling with the generator 's cover and made a point to meet my eyes.

What is ppt's problem?I have made it clear that i am not joining politics yet they are relentless in their pursuit.Is my life under threat? I doubt it . Al this exaggerated conferring of attention is definitely to create an illusion of making me feel wanted and important so that i may not blurt out uncomfortable truths in my blogs which may be viewed as extreme or unpalatable by some.
So there i was successfully diverted yet again from what i wanted to write.[by the way this piece has already been sucked  and delivered by the ever alert ones later in the day] that i started to dream up the various sentences i would love to impose on kgb and his ppt boss if i had the power to do so .A few samples follow...

I would exile them to Dakshina Gagotri  [Antarctica] and set them afloat on a glacier in the coldest month for a minimum 2 year period whilst i warm my toes in my hearth .
Post them in the hottest and most primitive country in equatorial Africa with swarm of flies and mosquitoes for company,
Let them loose with a weeks ration in the thick and swampy rain forests of South America in the cosy company of anacondas.,
Drop them in a uninhabited atoll right in the middle of south pacific ocean ,1000's of miles away from civilisation with some ration and a crude craft.
Drop them in the area inhabited by the fierce Senthilese tribes in the Andaman islands

OK back to what i wanted to write.

The whole city of Bangalore is naturally air conditioned. .But the streets are dirty and stinking.In fact Chennai is comparatively cleaner especially in main roads and in posh ares.though the population and number of vehicles is higher.
The place where i was put up is supposed to be posh .Gosh if this is the state of  cleanliness of posh localities then what about others?Similarily the stretch of NH from Chennai upto Hosur the border of Tamilnadu flowed flawlessly and thenceforward into Karnataka it wasnt upto that high bench mark, set.A sign board cautioning against overspeeding on the highways caught my eyes.It ran thus--'Safety gears are placed between ears'.The state of city roads in both cities ,however vie with one another in proudly exhibiting the profusion of potholes and mini craters.Despite this lacuna,over all ,Chennai beats Bangalore hands down any day any time except that it cannot boast of that kullu kullu --cool weather all days through out the year.

This place is full of students as there are several colleges in the vicinity.Unlike Madras they move in groups that has a fair mixture of both genders.Their attire is uniform like viz dark jeans and darker shirts.Their favourite haunts the nearby malls.I got to know when we had to walk through a mall to cross the one way way route which the auto driver refused to make a detour to ferry us across.

The huge and glitzy mall was swarming with teenagers and college students. Seeing so many youngsters congregating at a spot scared me and made me want to bolt away from the nearest entrance  or simply disappear into thin air.,since i am used to seeing only greying middle agers generally in sarees or  in drab pant shirts in my favourite watering spots like the park, temple or even the beach.This massive surge of youth was a cultural shock and a yawning  generational gap to me  [ though i have been there   and done most of  it all but that seems like aeons before in another world ]and i felt the urgent need to run for cover.Some what like Nagesh did[acted] in a film as a country bumpkins bewilderment at his first brush with  the fast , fashionable   crowd in modern city.

In Chennai groups of youngsters consist only of either boys,, mostly young men roaring on macho motor bikes or only girls  and.the mixed bag  with a heavy sprinkling of north easterners, Africans that is so common in here is a rarity there .And the common watering spot --Marina or Elliot's beach  at Chennai has a mixed fare,of families,  children, youth and old .But in here the mall was totally monopolised by the young brigade who were window shopping, eating, ambling around or sitting in the inner pavement walls in groups  ribbing each other and a fair share of twosomes who looked enquiringly into each others eyes coyly whilst they licked cone ice creams  lost in their own secret world, publicly.



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