Friday, November 9, 2012

Cheap thrills KGB gets at my expense.

1. Fanning the hypertension of mister by his base basic instinct ,reckless tactics to such a level that he bloated up grotesquely and suffered terrific restlessness ,making me burst out in tears . The very moment kgb was waiting for in his long tapasya at the sparse attic in a neighbourhood alien to his life style.

2. Seeing to that the holidays spent by my son in here is filled with conflicts and arguments , with me of course and making me shed a few tears of helplessness..But couldn't succeed in putting a permanent wedge between us ,since our ties are not superficial.

3. Pinching my thin purse , the only bulge in it was my flat keys , at the park on a dark and rainy evening and watch me from the warmth of his cubby hole rubbing his hands in ghoulish glee with the help of a rusty over sized antenna installed at the terrace where i weathered a raging monsoon storm for 3 hours till mister came back home with the other key.

4.Seeing to that in every shop i visit the salepersons are nasty and rude and treat me like a social out caste. . 

5.When i bravely declare , loud and clear that this is my house and i  will live in it as i please , to retaliate with the typical kgb tactics of switching on the sound of drilling machine all of a sudden in full volume making me and mister nearly jump nearly out of our skins and then pretend innocence  by widening his owlish eyes  to the size of saucers when confronted about the never ending repair of the tiles on his floor [ tap taping right above my ceiling] which he had officially announced to me in April and then laughing at his own audacity and the gall to make me also laugh .The limit!

6.Spraying pan juice on my  favourite shining green silk saree that i had hung out on the clothes line to air it in preparation of a wedding ahead , that saw me red and nearly made me march up to his liar with a bottle of ketchup and splash it on his precious row of expensive shirts..

7, Attending a sauna and facial to get that radiant look whenever he feels he has scored a victory over me in whatever he was mandated to do so and make his appearance in a theatrical manner gloating  unashamedly over his success.

8.Getting thrills  at their finesse of digging up that sordid little old man whom i had mentioned as the only other fan of mine in a comic piece in asdf -- catch 22 and making him walk before me in the park giving me lewd looks in passing ,[which i found so very amusing that i had a difficult time controlling, laughing outright] for several days at the height of the mega shady endeavours to drive me into the supposedly safe arms of  a political party.

9. Currently getting huge fun out  of seeing me writhe and scratch and scratch myself to the point of depriving me the leisure to read books, mags or watch TV or passersby, by spot gazing /glaring.

10.The thrill of seeing his/ their dirty low down exploits on this public blog thus elevating the much maligned and totally ignored secret agents to James bond level.
Who cares to write about their schemes, stealth, tricks, ruthlessness , alertness and perseverance excepting for me?

Finally the cheap thrill of illegally subjecting to all this harassment without giving a valid reason  for doing so yet smartly escaping the consequences and keeping me in the dark and wasting my time trying to guess his true identity and in overcoming the hurdles constantly thrown at me as well as  the identity of his vile power drunk bosses and the workings of their mean minds.

PS. 'Oligarchs' ,if you persist in deploying KGB on me, AK is sure to come blazing one of these days. Retreat   honourably  whilst you  still can.


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