Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Varadharaja perumal.

The chance I was looking for came today . I visited Kancheepuram Vardharajar Perumal and had a leisurely darshan. Not many around today, with no temple festival, as well as it being a week day.

A very thin old woman , so thin that she looked like as if a saree had been wound around a matchstick was seated all by herself ,near the steps leading to the main sannidhi[ shrine] , singing in a amazingly young and clear voice!
How does life linger on in such a pitifully frail old form?Where does she find the energy to chant and sing hymns clearly and melodiously?Must be from Vardhrajar!
Photos.At top the entrance to Vardharajaperumal sannidhi at Kancheepuram.
middle--Vimanam directly over Vardhrajar enshrined within.
below.The utsava mantap of Perundevi thayaar---Lakshmi.


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