Wednesday, November 18, 2009

13 th July 1971.

I didnt go to school today ,instead went to Golconda fort with my cousin and her husband.Yaseen our driver showed us many a things which we had'nt seen before. We saw many eerie tombs and the burial place of Muslim kings.

Climbed to the top of the fort. Even 6 centuries before there were water carrying tubes .I felt like living in those days and going about in horses!

Visited Gandipet lake . Harind swam refusing to obey my cousin and her husband forbidding him to swim .However he swam in the shallow part of the lake. I just waddled about. Had I brought my swimsuit maybe I would have.Returned home in the evening.
15.7.71 thursday.
Father got a trunk call from Delhi .Probably we will be transferred to Delhi.
17.7.71 Saturday.

Went to Homera's house in the evening. She had some family friends from Afghanisthan staying in her house. Gosh they are so very fair and red!I thought that the lady was using rouge and lipstick. But Homu told me that she didnt. There was a cute baby .Red all over.

Then we went to Reeti's house along with Sumit. Reeti told that my school Principal cannot speak properEnglish.I told her you neednot put down my princi at front of me .She shut her mouth..

20.7.71. Tuesday.

The newspapers screamed that W.Pakistan will declare war on India if we help the refugees .

My school friends and I got the inspiration of sending a time bomb to Yahaya Khan the military ruler of W. Pakistan.[if somebody provided us with one] because he is so cruel ,killing and torturing thousands of people in E.Pakistan .

Chammu gave a nose cut to Sowmya by telling her not to speak always about herself and her relatives.

In the evening I did'nt go out to play but hemmed my dress.

Whilst having dinner I told my brothers about the massacres of E.Pakistani's and asked in case there is a war between W.Pakistan and India will it result in third world war? They laughed.

22.7.71 Thursday.

As our teacher asked the headlines to be read out every day in the morning Maragadam read it .She read ''India is not alone'' said Swaran singh[foreign minister] toYahaya .But our teacher told us that we were alone because we don't help or be friendly with other countries. There fore if W.Pakistan fights with us, we will surly not receive any aid from other countries.

I started reading the book 'Mother'.


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