Wednesday, November 11, 2009

29 th June 1971 Tuesday

Mom was ordering me about to do cooking etc. What a bore I was born a girl ,still I like it.

30 .5. 71Wednesday.

Yesterday while we were coming home from school in our colony van I saw a man's foot jammed and bleeding when it was run over by a fiat car coming in the opposite direction. The driver of the car lifted that man and placed him in his car and drove away. Whilst entering my bedroom at night I dashed my foot on the bed and yelled out in pain and then I remembered that injured man and controlled myself thinking my pain was nothing compared to his.Worked sums for test.

1.7.71 Thursday
The test was quite easy. After lunch we 5 friends were chatting.There was something black on Vasanthi's lips.I teasingly told 'hey are you a chain smoker?.All of us laughed and to my surprise Banu said would'nt it be thrilling if we could smoke? Then we started discussing as to why Indian girls are not allowed to smoke whilst the boys smoke openly.And why should we be scared of teachers as the papers have announced that there will be no final exams upto 10 th class .And so we talked on.Then Vasanthi and I remembered that we had to write a play and enact it . Before we could do so the bell rang and the lunch hour was over. During biology period Principal took the lesson. We were too scared to answere her questions. In the last period we were quite noisy. Suddenly all noise ceased. I turned and saw the strict and fierce teacher Ramamani teacher standing in the doorway and staring at us. She then told loudly that Tamil girls were shameless and were alway's talking.I got very angry at her because she is also a Tamilian and why should she down us?


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