Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cremation vs Burial .

Why don't we Hindu's have a re- think of this horribly final ritual of cremating our dead ?

I never gave much thought to such topics but was forced to when I had to witness the complete destruction of a body I gave birth to and nourished with care for 24 years to be reduced to ashes to be collected in a small urn in a matter of few hours .It seemed a cruel ritual annihilating a person of his identity and reducing a person pulsating with life ,thoughts,and energy but a few hours or days ago to total anonymity .

Burial seems to be more decent and humane' It assures the near and dear one's a place to connect to the departed person ,the assurance that 'he is there'. A place to let off one's emotions and to pay respects and preserve the identity, coupled with the memory of that departed person.


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