Sunday, November 1, 2009

Air's and graces!

Shoba De' once wrote that the puffiness of a clerk in any government department should be seen to be believed! That small cog in the huge wheel of beauracracy wields little power but puts on such an air of authority that will put the queen of England to shame!
So true ! When I went the other day to submit my application offering my services to Legal services authority at the high court of Madras ,I stumbled into one of the numerous huge offices in the 200 year old High court building .The burly clerk at the desk glared at me and said coldly that his office was that of District services and the office where I should give my application is Tamil nadu legal services authority building which was near a play ground and waved me away.
I went in search of the playground but only saw lawyers and clients milling around everywhere reminding me of the busy ,shoppers paradise Ranganathan street at T nagar .Though I am a lawyer my practise is confined to my house which doubles as a office to practise as a notary public .Some how I caught the attention of a young lawayer who said the office is outside the campus and hurriedly walked away .I walked in the direction he had vaguely pointed but could'nt locate it. Then I asked a road side fruit juice seller ,who sincerely took the effort to inquire some other salesman inside the campus and directed me to the other end of the Highcourt premises. One auto chap came greedily saying ''m'am get in ' the fruit seller waved him away saying it was walkable distance.As I have no hesitation to snatch a walk when ever I can ,so walked on and came out pushing and weaving through the throng of black coated lawyers dotting every available space.
No luck .couldnt locate the place and spied only an electric train running on the other side of the road.I gathered up my courage and decided to face that cold clerk to get specific directions. He barked on seeing me'' I have already given you directions do you think I have no other work?''. A peon or a clerk of some lawyer standing nearby took pity on me and guided me personally to the new tnlsa office through a short route.
I told the peon sitting outside the Secretary of tnlsa office that I wanted to meet the secretary . He went in and came out immediately and I was ushered into pleasant interiors and the distinguished person I see on my t.v screen every sunday morning explaining the legal aid schemes of the Madras high court arose from his seat and greeted me warmly with folded hands . He very courteously asked me to take my seat ,read my application and immediately decided that I should serve in Lokadalat [peoples court ] and put down his signature on my application. He made polite inquiries ,speaking softly and encouraged me to practise in the family courts.He again stood up when I took leave.
The glaring difference between mediocrity and superlativity was made apparent to me all within an hour!The polite Secretary is a judge of the Madras highcourt ,is the head of all free legal services in Tamilnadu,having heavy responsibilities ,and is pursuing his ph.d in law of contract.His power and authority far exceeds that clerk.Yet he make's it sit lightly on his sleeves.
I was reminded of the tamil saying ''me'l makkal me'l makkale''[the truly great are those who are truly noble] . I returned home thinking of his politeness and courtesy which was a balm to my sorely bruised ego.


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