Monday, October 26, 2009


I am very sure that all those poets ,artists,philosophers and laureates,to name a few Subramani Bharathiar ,Buddha, Adi shankarachariar, Shakespeare, Vangog , Da vinci would have either plumbed great depths of sorrow or ascended great heights of ecstasy or both to shower fellow human beings with pearls of wisdom or weave and knit delicious words into poems,dramas and stories or express their inspirations arising out of acute mental activity on canvas or create tunes that takes the listener to unknown realms.
When Bharathiar cried aloud ''Parashakthi why have you created me with so much intelligence'',it is not to be mistaken as arrogant pride in one's own ability but a cry of sorrow,for having been chosen by the creator as a outlet to rapidly succeeding creative impulses and inspirations that prevents one from leading a normal and serene life.
What immense mental pressures and agonies these highly creative people have to endure.Their writings,paintings etc are a source of entertainment to common people,but to those producing them ,it seems it has been clearly wrung out of years of mental activity with very little opportunities or means to entertain themselves with.
They burn so that others may enjoy the glow left behind by them for ages to come!


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