Thursday, October 1, 2009

short story

Nalini glanced at her watch it was 20 minutes to 9 in the morning.On seeing this her heart beat fast and her face broke into perspiration.She told herself relax ,you cannot get back the lost time by panicking. She then scanned the road for the sight of a three wheeler. There was none in sight, Her hand became clammy as she clutched her hand bag. Thoughts went whirling and knocking in her brain . They screamed at her saying' you have to reach the Comfort Shoe's office by 9 for the interview as sales representative ,if you are not punctual even on this crucial day all your prior efforts of studying and getting a diploma with honours in 'sales propagation is a waste a sheer waste' .At this juncture Nalini's thoughts were too much, so she stopped and massaged her forehead and shook it to free herself of such thoughts and searched for a scooter in vain.
Her eyes thus searching fell on a beggar and on seeing him again felt panicky for she wondered whether her plight would be ~ to his in few days time when her funds left by her father ran short. She shuddered and looked away and sighted an auto few yards away . She stood there turning a merciful eye towards heaven and heaved a sigh of relief. During this salutation she saw a middle aged couple crossing the road and it looked like as if they were making their way towards the auto.
Panic returned and adrenalin surged into her body sending the message from head to foot 'run,run catch the auto before those two do'. Nalini started running towards it ,she was half way through when her sandals broke making her stumble. She stopped as she had to and could have cried in sheer frustration.Just then she heard that familiar and irritating voice, full of cheer calling 'Nalini wait for me '.She didn't have to turn to see who it was for she knew already.It was her neighbour Romesh the dandy of the colony. He was always well dressed,whether one saw him early in the morning or late at night .He didn't conceal his love for Naliniand followed her like a shadow using every opportunity to talk to her.
Nalini and her friends had often laughed at his dandy clothes and his unceasing devotion towards her and made use ofevery opportunity to brush his advances aside with insults and sharp words.
Romesh came and stood at front her grinning and said 'good morning Nalini'. This was the last straw and she burst out 'to hell with your morning and glowered at him.

to be contd......


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