Thursday, September 17, 2009

A son dies twice.

A doctor couple donated the organs of their 16 year old son when he was declared brain dead after he fell down on the road whilst driving his new motorbike a year ago .
His mother received a state award recently for her noble gesture.In her interview to the media she had said that she often visited the 2 year old young girl to whom her first born son's heart had been transplanted the very day he was declared brain dead.
I wonder whether the highly publisiced and trend setting donation of organs was really a sacrifise or tragically the desperate attempts of a mother to keep the memory [life] of her son alive by letting his heart tick in another body. To the doctor' s heart is only a muscle, then why should Hithendran's mother who is a medical practitioner fly off to Bangalore from M adras every now and then to see a child who was a stranger till now?
Yesterday themedia reported the death of that child .My first thoughts were 'oh my god a mother has to face the finality and reality of her son's death!May god give her strength to do so '.I have been in her place probably still am , living in a illusory world of denial and then the confrontation with the harsh reality.
As a bereaved parent it is my heart felt advise to other such parents who lose their offsprings owing to accidents ,illness etc not to donate their child's organs .Because it is tough to bear the emotional and phsycological trauma.If I had donated my late son's organs I would definetly wonder on and off how the recepient is faring and will not be able to control my urge to visit such persons and keep a tab on their lives .An unnecessary emotional see-saw to the donor parents and an unwelcome intrusion into the private life of the recepient.
When a child dies it is best to accept its finality and not to embark on such tragic and futile exercises.
Yes lives are saved by organ donations,but for heaven's sake let the offsprings donate their parents organs and not the other way round.


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