Sunday, September 27, 2009

continuation of Pepito and Bachchu

Now a -day's they have started to sleep together.Earlier both of them used to get up on my sofa and snuggle up to me .But I used to to take them down and place them on a rolled up carpet on the floor and as of late they have started sleeping together on the carpet.
Apart from being affectionate they are also great playmates.Their games start when the cat returns home at 10 pm and continues up to 12 .They chase each other,bite each other affectionetly and dig holes furiously and jump into them.
So all this goes to prove that enmity between any two living things is only a traditional custom.There is definitely more scope for love and friendship in nature but unnecessary prejudices and jealousy leads to the worthless feelings of enmity .The wonderful affection that exists between these 2 animals makes me feel ashamed of us people especially when we quarrel amongst ourselves and hurt each other. If animals which are traditionally viewed as sworn enemies can live in harmony then why cannot we ?
[written by me in 1975-1976]


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