Thursday, September 24, 2009

Time and tide waits for none.

Every one knows this proverb.So did I.I did'nt give it much thought till the immediate aftermath of my son's departure.I t was then that the truth in that saying struck me fully.

I was shocked and dazed ,my mind completely blank and thought that the world would come to a standstill as my most precious possesion had been irretrievably lost forever. No it was'nt so!.When I went up to the roof top,the sun rose !I had enjoyed the early morning spectacle of sunrise many a number of times before but that day I could'nt bear the sight of the orange ball of fire rising casually and lusciously.My world had crashed and has come to an end , how could the sun rise.But the sun rose and it does so every day.Birds twitter and fly around looking for food, people scurry off to work and in the evening the sun sets and all the pigeons are back in their holes.My happy world was shattered ,yet every thing outside me was and is going on as usual.Time did'nt stop for me.

When I visited Elliots beach soon after ,I was shocked to see the waves pounding the shore furiously as ever! I cried at the waves ,how dare you flirt around and wash the beaches when my son can no longer enjoy the thrill of dipping his legs in you .The waves crashed at me and seemed to say mockingly 'we have seen 1000's of bereaved mothers like you before and will do so in future,we donot stop for any body or for any thing.The tides continue to flow and ebb ceaselessly.It did'nt pause even for a moment !

Should I have been made to realise the full meaning of this proverb which is casually bandied around in such a terrible manner ?


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