Wednesday, October 7, 2009

continuation of the storyThe shoe that stole theshow

Nalini looked around the room and thought what now? She glanced nervously through the window hoping that none of her friends would catch sight of her in their arch enemy's house.She didn't want to be made fun off.She turned quickly back on hearing footsteps and saw Romesh walking towards her with a parcel. He said "please take this''.Nalini hesitated and seeing her hesitation he replied ''your sandals, the one's you abandoned on the road side this morning''. Nalini's memory raced back and remembered how she had thrown her quite expensive sandals carelessly on the road owing to her hurry in the morning rush. She said ''oh'' and took the parcel ,careful not to touch his fingers. The newspaper covering them opened up and she saw to her amazement that the straps had been neatly mended. She was touched and feelings of remorse and regret washed over her .
Romesh watched her, his face softening. Nalini looked up and said ''oh Romesh how very ,very kind of you.First you lent me your sandals at the cost of yourself walking barefoot and now this,do you know that it was your sandal which clinched the job in my favour?'' He smiled and Nalini thought gosh what a wonderful smile ,how black his eyes are and how deep and she dragged away her eyes when he said 'is it?''Nalini concentrated her look on his shirt buttons, for emotions new and strange were churning within her and couldnot meet his eyes and thought to herself how very tall he is. Aloud she said ''yes it is so ''
Then summoning her courage she looked at him and said ''thank you Romesh, thank you for every thing'',and then smiled at him,and walked towards the door .Romesh followed her and said ''will I be seeing you again Nalini?''Nalini turned and smiling into his eyes which had suddenly gone serious said softly ''yes you will'' and walked away feeling light headed with her marvellous discovery!
The end : written on 4th july 1980 whilst awaiting results of LL.Bfinalsem's at the age of 23:[reproduced as it was written then]


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