Wednesday, October 7, 2009

short story contd......

As the auto reached the entrance of Comfort's shoes office she quickly glanced at her watch ,it showed that there were only 2 minutes to 9. She paid the fare and hurried into the building. An polite receptionist pointed the direction and gave her a reassuring smile . Nalini nearly ran all the way to the hall .
On entering the hall Nalini spied several men and women primly dressed and sitting on the chairs lining the wall. Her heart beats subsided and she felt like laughing in sheer relief when she saw that her name was at the tail end of the contending candidates exhibited on a notice board.
She sat down on a chair and drew a long sigh of relief and stretched her legs and saw the sandals loaned by Romesh ,and her thoughts flew to Romesh. How could a dandy like him lend her his sandals? Was she mistaken at her assessment of him? How very kind of him to come to her aid at such a crucial time. How could she judge him to be weak by his outward appearance of careful dressing?The peon's voice calling her name intruded her thoughts and she got up .
As she entered the room she saw 2 women and 2 men sitting at a table quite some distance away from the door.She wondered whether there was any deliberate design in leaving so much walking space.Nalini walked towards the table and smiled at each one of them and wished them all a' very good morning'. She felt happy when her greetings were returned with smiles. A woman was actually beaming at her .
One of the men commenced questioning and Nalini answered them effortlessly and with precision. She actually started to relax and enjoy the interview for her answers were received with smiles and glances between the interview board members which seem to say 'aha this is the person'.
Then the beaming woman whom she later came to know as the M.D said after a brief consultation with her colleagues ," Miss Nalini you are chosen for the job , you will get an initial pay of Rs 800 per month ,and you can join our office from tomorrow."On hearing this pronouncement Nalini stood up as she could'nt control her surprise and excitement and with a slightly dazed expression thanked them all round.
One of the men then spoke and said"you may leave now Miss Nalini but in case you want to know why we decided to appoint you from all those equally competent 20 candidates is because you are the only candidate who has worn the product of our shoe company"!Nalini looked down at Romesh's sandals thankfully.
Later that evening Nalini stood at Romesh's house and rang the bell .The door opened and Romesh stood framed in blue jeans and light blue shirt . He smiled and before she could speak said "won't you come in "and stepped aside. She had no intention of entering his house but she couldnot churlishly walk away. She entered a room tastefully and comfortably decorated .
Romesh indicated a chair for her to sit . Nalini said "I have'nt come to sit , but to hand over your sandals " and hesitated to thank him as felt reluctant to do so . At this Romesh took the bundle and said "please wait for few minutes" and disappeared into the house.
to be contd......


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