Sunday, October 11, 2009

The scent of T nagar.

All those who say that T nagar is a overcrowded ,dirty and a highly commercial place are right but there are certain streets which are clean,quiet and home to several shady trees that bear beautifully coloured and scented flowers and provide dense leafy platforms for the shy koel birds to coo melodiously and sing uninhibitedly.
The end of the month of February [mild winter season] and the beginning of April [onset of hot spring season] triggers the tall black branches that are closely knit and are covered with dark green leaves to profusely bloom into small yellow flowers on the tree tops like as if a huge boquet of sweetly scented flowers are being offered happily and gaily to celestial beings and bodies thanking them for their bounty to earthly beings in form of sunshine and water and begging them to rest a while and feast themselves on the fruit of their labour and recharge their energies and thus enabling them to continue afresh with their eternal cyclic duties!
To us ,lesser beings who donot even reach the height of its lowest branches nor posses the vision to oversee the tree tops are graciously allowed to inhale the intoxicating scent of the flowers blooming away riotiously, which reaches the earth like a fountain ,thanks to the gentle breeze that fans the scent all around.
This treat lasts the whole of April and when these superbly scented flowers slowly start wilting towards the end of the month the neem tree the favourite herbal tree of nearly all households in India starts flowering!These tiny flowers are visible to all . Its pleasantly pungent odour is like a digestive palliative after our senses are over gorged with the sweet smell of the April flowers.
Do those pretty yellow flowers that grow in abundant clusters in a tall shrub on fragile twigs that are ready to snap at the slightest pressure of human hands ,require 40 degree centigrade heat of the month of May to laugh at us from their perches?Sadly, t hey are like beauties without brains -they have no scent.
In total contrast are the plain Jane white flowers of the Jasmine creeper ,whose scent is so superlative so as to be spiritual.They also choose the unbearably hot months of May and June to bloom and bloom to all its hearts content and add beauty and grace to a scalding summer.
June is not only greeted by jasmine, but also by the alluring and eye catching flame coloured flowers that transform the universally accepted fact that trees are green, to a fiery flaming red a total anti thesis owing to the roguishly blossoming of the orange red flowers of the flame of the forest tree. The flowers are so profuse that the poor green leaves are totally hidden from view and we have trees that are red!
June seems to be a competition of sort s between brightly coloured flowers. The Bouganvillas cascade with magenta ,red and orange flowers and it is rivaled only by purple and mauve flowers of short trees that hang like lanterns which glow and sway welcomingly at every nook and corner.
Summer is hot, dusty and weary in T nagar,but the flowering trees and shrubs are such a treat to the senses that fresh spirit surges through one's being to tackle the blistering heat and make's life more bearable and pleasant .


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