Friday, October 30, 2009

Youth !

Ah youth!The fragrance of youth is like a breath of fresh air. It is scented with optimism,idealism ,hopes and ambitions.The youth are like freshly churned cream soft and impressionable but at the same time posses the resilience of a steel wire ,bending only a little under pressure and bouncing back to its tight and unshakeable forms and belief's in a matter of seconds!
Do the 'youth' still carry with them the freshness of contact with the creator that a child undoubtedly has and a middle aged person has lost and is it that what make's them so special?
Youth in its pristine form is a intoxicating cocktail of innocence,vigour,beauty,stength and the capacity to brush away blows that life springs in every turn, the inner feeling that he is the ruler of the world though not owning an inch of land and that she is the sweat heart of millions though a poor cousin to Cleopatra.
The middle aged as well as the old people argue that youth is in thinking .No ,it is a inborn feeling that induces every male to feel that the world and its bounties has been created only for him to enjoy and rule and induces every female to feel that every other man is a slave to her beauty and who would do the impossible to please her!
Youth is definitely associated with age and no amount of youthful thinking can make a person young . It is just there and is sure to vanish when one steps on to middle age.
The youth owns the world . They don't know that and when they do get to know that they are no longer young . It is when one is aware that one no longer owns this earth that one is sure that youth has slipped away quietly and noiselessly.
Youth you come only once in one's life but you are there to be appreciated ,envied and admired in full resplendent form in each successive generation!


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