Thursday, October 29, 2009

continuation of 'change of heart' pg 2

Rakesh drove the bike furiously and Rima wondered how Shoba endured such rides which was really nightmarish.At this juncture she blinked her eyes rapidly for she saw Shoba standing in all her beauty at the pavement and realised that the bike had stopped and that glum Rakesh who had given her a cold reception and had driven like a maniac was turning to look and smile tenderly into her eyes and spoke gently though audible to all human ears standing nearby ''Reem sweety will you get off .I have to park the bike.I'll meet you at the ice cream parlour''.
Rima was dazed at this sudden change in Rakesh .whilst getting off the bike she saw Shoba standing in the shopping centre and staring at her and Rakesh in particular. Suddenly every thing fell in place .The trouble that Rakesh claimed to be in was that his lady love had left him to find greener pastures and he was trying to show her that he was not hurt by the ruthless jilting by flaunting Rima to show Shoba that he was equally capable of acquiring new girlfriends in the speed in which she acquired men friends.
Rima knew she had to act and that to ,quickly for had she not offered to help Rakesh out of his trouble? So she boldly placed a possesive hand on Rakesh's shoulders and noted with satisfaction the darkening of Shoba's face and jumped out of her seat.As Rakesh turned towards her , Rima ruffled his hair,patted his cheeks,twined her fingers in an astonished Rakesh's hand and gave him such a wicked smile that Rakesh was stunned and before he could recover she said '' ok my dearest love don't spend too much time parking the bike ' and then a bit more loudly ''for every second you spend away from me is sheer agony'' and walked away towards the parlour stopping to smile at a equally stunned Shoba!
When Rakesh entered the parlour he saw Rima sitting on a stool. He was very disturbed by the drama enacted outside . He went and stood at front of her and running his hands through his hair looked down at Rima and asked ''why did you behave like that outside?''There was puzzlement and anger in his voice .Rima replied pleasantly ''look here Rakesh I know why you have taken this sudden interest in me.Is'nt it to show to Shoba that you are neither hurt nor care for her although she callously discarded you for an obviously rich man?I acted the way I did outside to further the image you are tying to project to Shoba. I succeeded did'nt I as your dear girlfriend definitely look's put out ''.At this juncture she stopped as she realised that her tone was getting warmer and the emotions churning within her were too much to bear.It hurt her to realise that Rakesh's sudden change of heart towards her was only a pretence and it hurt her more to think that he was doing all this to impress an totally unworthy Shoba.She lowered her eyes and bit her lips and said ''Don't worry you will have her soon and your troubles will be over''.
By bending her head she missed the look in Rakesh's eyes ,they had softened to see the obvious distress of Rima He cursed himself for his ego and was aghast at the realization that for his own selfish ends he had twisted the heart of a young and nice girl. As he looked at her silky black hair and the neat parting at the center and the long eyelashes lacing an oval face he wondered how such a pretty girl had escaped his notice?
Whilst thus musing he heard a familiar voice which not only made him jump but also provided the answer to the questions he had posed to himself.It was Shoba yes the beautiful Shoba who haunted his dreams and taunted his sleep. She came near him and placed her hand on his arms.Rakesh quickly prised away her fingers and was surprised at the revulsion of feelings . Shoba's face became set and Rakesh thought' she is still beautiful but why am I not melting?'Then he heard Shoba speak in her musical voice''Rakesh do you know how much I missed you all these days.Where were you ?''and ended with a complaining tone'' Really you have changed a lot ''.
At this Rakesh retorted ''where was I ? Did'nt you know or don't you care? I was following you like a shadow but you were too busy with your rich catch to spare me a glance'' and glowered at her at which Shoba replied in a subdued tone ''He has left for a younger girl ,do you know that I played upto him only for his money, you are the only one I truly love ,come with me you are my future ''and extended her hand.
Rakesh found himself thinking of Rima . Rima at the stop offering help,Rima sitting on the speeding bike without a protest,Rima not letting him down at front of Shoba and Rima sitting few feet away quietly. He looked squarley at Shoba and said ''sorry you are not my future''and turned his back and walked towards Rima eager to talk to her.
Rima watching Rakesh and Shoba talking thought to herself ruefully '.There I have brought them together I might as well go home'.She got up and walked out into the night ,After taking few steps she turned back to see who was calling her name.She saw the tall form of Rakesh running towards her saying ''Rima wait for me ''.
As he came nearer and smiled into her eyes and said ''Don't leave me Rima don't ever leave me'' ,Rima felt her head clearing ,her heart cheering and her eyes twinkling like the myriad of stars scattered above her and she whispered back ''I won't Rakesh I won't ever leave you ''.

the end ................[written in 1980 at 23yrs ]


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