Thursday, November 5, 2009

May 31 1971 Monday. [13 years old]

From the morning it was cloudy. In the evening it had become even more cloudy.Parents and brothers were getting ready to go to a film in the laboratory. I didn't want to go. After my parents left Harind and I went to Manjari's house to hear to music played on record player. Harind's friend Ravi Narsimhachar had also come with us .While we were listening to the records Harind went to pet Manjari's dog Bingo.It tried to bite him .We were scared of Bingo including Manjari. Her servant tied the dog in the upstairs veranda since it was biting every body.

Outside ,sky became dark and it started to drizzle. Since we intended to go to Bhargava uncle's house and listen to the wireless ,Manjari took an umbrella and we set forth.When we neared the house we heard a crashing noise and saw a lightning which turned the night into a day.Manjari and I were terrified .We immediately crouched on the ground and covered our selves with the umbrella.We saw a ball of fire falling from the sky somewhere in the direction of Osmania university.We were petrified for a moment. Ravi and Harind who were near the door ran in and soon we followed cursing them for deserting us at the hour of peril.

After hearing uncle conducting conversation with people in distant area's we 4 went to my empty house and played Russian Rummy till 9 pm.Then Ravi and Manjari returned to their home.

I described the incident to my parents who said that they had also heard a loud noise whilst watching the film and had concluded that there might have been an explosion in the Lab .
I heard hindi film songs till 10.30 and then went to sleep.


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