Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Funeral rituals.

The plethora of rituals a Tamil brahmin has to do ,undergo when a close relative departs signifies to me as an attempt to divert a bereaved person from grief and to a true adherent to the faith the means to facilitate the 'Atma's journey pleasantly onwards without any hindrance or obstacle to its ultimate goal -Moksham -i.e 'eternal bliss'.

In reality what happens is,that the final departure of a person becomes the meeting ground for relatives who, after the initial grief hang around for 13 days to attend all the rituals performed in that period,[ in order to fulfil a percieved notion of social obligation of marking their attendance],tend to share notes [as most may be meeting after years ],talk ,gossip, laugh and guffaw forgetting the very purpose of their visit- to console the bereaved!
The bereaved persons cannot even vent out their grief or think it over in solitude as they have to take part in rituals comprehended only by the priests ,so seems meaningless, and play host to horde of relatives , arranging for their food and comfort!
It is more or less like a festival! There is no gravity or somberness.Scant thought is paid to the departed person or to the feelings of the bereaved one's.
If a political figure passes away it is worse! The milling crowds and the various Neta's wanting to show their face on T.V makes a mockery of mourning .
An nauseating ritual of some non-brahmin Tamilian communities is to burst crackers ,drink and dance merrily at the funeral processions.
Has life no meaning or respect in India?Why don't we have the decency to allow a bereaved person to mourn in private and not make a public' tamasha' out of it.


Blogger Getafix said...

Hello Sujatha,

I am Diwakar and Harind was,is and will always be a great friend. I am shocked to read that he has is passed away. My deep condolences to you and your mother. My condolences to you about your son. What happened to Rohit (Harind's son)? I trust your mother is well she must be close to 96 now. I have been trying to look up your mother's phone number in the BSNl Chennai online ( I live in the US now). my email is d_racherla@hotmailcom


January 2, 2010 at 5:36 PM  
Blogger K.C. Sujata said...

Dear Diwaker

I sent you a email but it was returned .I am glad to know that Harind has friends who still remember him.My mother is 84 and is living in Delhi with Srikanth . Rohit is fine .He is living in Nanganallur with his mother.He is in class 4 .Are you Harind's childhood or college friend.?Kindly enlighten me .I am curious to know as to how you stumbled on my blog.

January 4, 2010 at 4:35 AM  
Blogger K.C. Sujata said...

Dear Diwaker
In case you want some more info' ,this my e mail ad

January 7, 2010 at 1:59 AM  
Blogger K.C. Sujata said...

Sorry the l went missing.

January 7, 2010 at 2:01 AM  
Blogger Getafix said...

Oh gosh no. I was looking up Harind again today this morning. My email ID is I am surprised that it bounced the last time you emailed me. To answer your questions: I used to live in the same area actually but closer to the sea. I met Harind at Venkateshwara Library (wonder if you remember) way back in 1982. I have met with you, your father, mother, mukund, srikanth. I was searching for Harind online and found your blog.

P.S. I am apologize for the very delayed response. I am not a blogger and was expecting your response to my email. I was going through many of your blogs again this morning and found your response.

March 4, 2013 at 7:43 AM  

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