Monday, November 9, 2009

12 th June 1971 Saturday.

Today I went to the tailor's shop on my cycle as father could'nt give me a lift in the carThe tailor had'nt stitched my uniform blouse . I scolded him. At school I gave the limes to Banumathy to make squash so that we can drink it in school.
13.6.71. Sunday.
In the evening I cooked rice by lighting twigs and paper helped by Harind without mother's knowledge. The rice was only half cooked even after half an hour .I threw it away for the dogs .
14.6.71. Monday
Banumathy had reserved places for our gang ,.the back benches at school in our new classroom. In the evening learnt from mother that some people were coming for dinner .I helped her a bit. And then I tried to learn driving our car and then petted Sumbul. By then it became dark. I and mom served the food to people who had come to dine. I was utterly exhausted when I went to bed at 11 .
15.6.71 Tuesday .
I woke up to find the morning very pleasant and cloudy. I just wanted to sleep on but my conscience told me that I must go to school as I would be bored here at home. After lunch in the school Samyuktha and Vasanthi were trying to act funny. They threw my slippers on the play ground. So I caught hold of their slippers and threw them around.And then I took Samyuktha's belt and dangled it through the window ,into the physics Lab which was locked threatening to drop it in there.I teased her a lot . Later in the last period I gave the belt back to her. 19.6.71. Saturday.
In the evening I went to the movie Laurel and Hardy in the Labs.I sat with my friends. The movie got over but Homu's brother had not come to take her back to her house which is outside our colony.So she telephoned to her house .I waited impatiently. Homu was near to tears . She told me to go since every one was leaving to their houses. I ran and joined my brothers who were walking back to our house because it was 9 in the night andI was scared to walk alone in the deserted road which was dimly lit and was flanked by thick shrubs ,creepers and trees on both the sides .I was sorry for Homu but consoled myself thinking that there were many people in the Lab and so was the telephone operator who will be there the whole night. Whilst walking back I asked my brother to give me back my one rupee he had borrowed from me .He replied that he had repaid it by taking me to this film. I told him that it was dad who paid for the ticket and not he . We were angry at each other.
24 .6.71 Thursday.

Around 6 in the evening I went to Sumit's house. Humaira joined us later. She was cold and hostile towards me ,I suppose ,because I didnt stay back with her on that movie night. Bother. We were playing cards and she dealt all wrong cards only to me. Sumit was my partner and we won . Bittu got angry and called me a cheat. Humaira getting a chance to run me down joined her.I glared at her and left the house .


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