Thursday, November 12, 2009

4 th July Sunday 1971.

In the evening Homera came. She told me that we two had different tastes.The most important difference was that she would hurt the feelings of others but I would'nt . She then told me about the blunders the nuns in her school did and then left to her home.As usual Srikanth jeeringly asked ''how come they left Homera bibi from Jennana''?
5.7.71 Monday.

Parents didnot go to see the Hindi film in the Labs and told Harind not to go as he had already seen many films recently. About 9 pm while having dinner Harind came. He had gone to the film freely. Mom and dad scolded him .That's all .We were all subdued during dinner including Mukund and Aravind.

8.7.71. Thursday.

By mistake I took Renu's aluminium suitcase instead of mine whilst getting off at my school from our colony bus , as it looks just like mine.I wished that Renu would see that she has taken my suitcase instead of hers in the bus itself before getting off at her school and return my suitcase before my school started for the day . The morning bell rang. Still no one came. Then maths teacher came and started to teach a lesson. Then Vasanthi who had gone down for some reason came back to the class and told me that a maid servant of the school was groaning and coming up the steps with a tin suitcase. I excused myself to the teacher. She asked me the reason . On hearing the reason she laughed and so did the class. So did I. I returned Renu's suitcase to the servant and took mine.

9.7.71 Friday .

Didnot go out in the evening. I stayed at home and read my lessons and then some story books.Mother scolded me saying that I should'nt be always reading and that I should have some love for plants and water them daily.


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