Monday, April 22, 2019


Three neighbours in my flat started to weild extra marital control over me since 2012 no sooner was i made a nervous wreck in May 2012  by making me hear high decibel noises in my ears for nearly a month.
Two of my neighbours who assumed this extra marital control over me  immediately after wrecking me are --
1.The Muslim resident and owner of the flat above mine whose women wear burkhas.

2.A resident and owner of a flat in my floor.,who professes Christian links although appearing to be a Hindu .A half Hindu and a half Christian , which is quite common in the place where i live.

3.A religious non- brahmin resident and owner of flat in lower floor.

From 201 2onwards the first two neighbours started to excercise a tight grip on me   .It wasnot merely a individual effort , their families , friends were also involved .It includes their sons ,daughters and wives.
Of these two it was the Muslim resident who excersised maximum influence and control over m e with regard to my dressing and writing by indirect threats and sly punishments .Since ours is a great democracy guarenteeing a lot of freedom and rights certain things like curbing freedom of movt, expression and invasion of privacy  have to be done slyliy so that no one will know that such freedom is being curbed arbitarily.  He and his family succeeded in making me feel that I was in mini Pakistan.
I had to subsevere and pander only to Muslims emotions , way of life ,sensitivities and fears.This was emotionally draining as i was in a constant state of teariness  as i was made to react to every death happening in this country.When i was finally getting over my  grief in my real life theses leeches latched on to me to to revive and convert that grief towards their community in a sly and intrusive manner .
May be the other neighbour and his family influenced me to keep on writing about our society and to exaggerate its faults.

With a change in helm of affairs at Centre after GE of 2014 there was also a change in this  extra marital sly control  .It passed over to to Hindu Non brahmin resident of lower floor .He and his family became very vocal whilst the other two neighbours gradually dumbed down.

I do credit this Hindu neighbour for playing a knight in shining armour  by rescuing me from this bottomless pit of emotional blackmail that some Muslims were excersing over me  by showing his support , A religious Hindu's support that gave me the confidence to break free of that abnormal delusion created by the Muslim neighbour and his group,the illusion that it was they who were the despotic sovereigns of this country and that i better obey..Their tight grip couldnot be shaken off immediately.It took few years and are still refusing to let go. ,This area is Muslim constituency area and so all political parties will fall over themselves to please them.

Had this Hindu neighbour withdrawn gracefully after bringing me out of that trap it would have been good ,But, No , from then onwards  he started to threaten in a indirect manner with consequences if i complained  in my blogs about my having to write on and on about minorities .From 2014 till now i have been made to write only about minorities and it is getting on my nerves .Is there no life for m e beyond minorities?  For the past 7 years i have been made to only think about the good and bad points of minorities.Hence i still feel that i am in mini Pakistan with Muslims clamouring  'see me see me see only see me, keep on thinking about us and  keep engaged with us like as if this India and Pakistan relations and keep on writing about us .Even if it is bad it is ok .It is double ok since then we will get sympathy from others."

Since 2014 when this hindu neighbour took over this sly extra marital control over me he makes it clear that my security depends upon me know towing his agenda if not i have to face consequences like burning forhead at night or painful tightening of my scalp and so on .
There are many suggestion givers who  have been  bestowed with   free access to my  mind directly.I guess through audio transmitters placed near my ears in my house,and blocking off my left ear so that these inaudible suggestions, provocations and orders doesnt go out from the other ear but stays put within ,revebarating round and round so that i have to  comply by, replying,talking and writing , and thus wasting my time on these leeches.

As there are many suggestion givers i do not know exactly what his agenda is But do know for sure that he [whom ever he represents] frowns upon  my reading or writing about Hindu religion and temple travels.And that i should not get too involved in issues in support of' Rights 'up North.And that my being a Left is most welcome.I guess that is why my late father is made to appear  every now and then in my memory [or is it hypnosis]when i am relaxing .

So now i am under the extra marital control of this Hindu neighbour .So One  mini dictator has supplanted another mini dictator.

A lot of confusion has been created in my life in the past 7 years .Had i been allowed to write and blog on temple travel or been  encouraged to translate slokas etc in the manner in which i was doing in 2011, that would have been the wisest thing to do .By encouraging me to be a left is very unwise as i can be very  frank in writing my views causing a lot of heart burns as i have no fear of taking on authorities or any one if they  take over me in this arbitary and forcible manner .This is becuase of  my lineage  and my education .When the shackles are relaxed as they have been now [may be due to elections] i have bounced back with  determination to lay bare the indignities,and injustices i was made to face and am still facing.


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