Friday, April 12, 2019

Mysteries in my life

1.Why was high decibel sound streamed into my ears for a month in2012 and by whom and for what purpose?  Reason to allow several persons to have direct entry into my pshyche and mind through ears .
2.How is that so many people total strangers have a direct contact with my mind provoking my thoughts , anger and emotions?Why are they allowed to do so?How is it possible to do so in democratic country? Reason could be --appeasment of other  minorities and scheduled castes.Their welfare overrides all democratic norms.Isn't it very important to please them at any one's cost?

3.My body movts are controlled .How and by whom? Body movt's of any  and every person who is near me , are  also controlled  . From family members to total strangers .                                                                                                                             For what i can answere-- It is to keep messages not liked by those controlling my movt  to  prevent them from reaching  my ears  by turning away my head and  ears, from the source of such unwanted messages .Messages are also blocked by human body .The bulkier the better they are at blocking such messages .They will be made to come  at front of me or near me , so near that sometimes they me even push me off the road

.This is not done by suggestion into ears coz if i donot co operate i can feel pressurres building up in back of my head  or within it .  Reason could be political.or even defence.

4.A secretive type of conversion was carried on me in september 2014 .Why was it done and why is it still allowed?Can conversion be a form of punishment for what i have written?How can it be.

5. My brain was needled a whole month at night  in 2014.for what?How was it done without any one physically present in my house to deliver those painful jabs at night for a month when i went to bed to sleep or lay on the floor to escape it but couldn't?Were they electric shocks directed at my brain? Reason could be to remove my memory and wipe out my emotions.My emotions was troubling those who did this needling.How was it troubling them?Why should it trouble them?

6.The mystery behind causing me stinging pain in my left eyes quite oftenWhy is it caused and for what reasons?These days viz from April onwards it has become a regular daily dose of pain.

7.The mystery behind causing pain in my abdomen specially after a visit to a temple.

8.The mystery behind causing my forehead to burn for several hours at night .Nothing i do makes it go,.like applying pain relieving creams or take a crocin or by listening to music and slokas.i have to endure it till it leaves [made to leave] after several painful hours .

9.The mystery behind so much sadism shown towards me .

10 The mystery behind forgivness sessions in which i am coerced to forgive everyone and any one .

11. The mystery behind enacting for eg  make strangers  to wear the sari  of the colour i may have thought  of and drawing my attention to them when i go out for walk or any function what i may have thought  .What is the need to keep on harping that my thoughts as simple as making a choice of colours in wearing a sari are being read? This has been going on since 2012.Why?To scare me away from thinking ?Why is it so important to those who are enacting it that i should not think?

12.The mystery in the connection between transmissions to my ears and the landing and taking off of planes. There is definetly a link between the two.Why is it practised on me?What  was  the pressing need to regulate my life according to planes movments?Is it being still done as there is no one from my side or on my behalf to question or ask for the reasons behind these shameless intrusions in my personal life  ?Again what is the need behind allowing so many transmissions into me?

13 The mystery behind shrill wail of ambulance siren at certain times .It is also connected to planes take offs and me.

14.The mystery behind making so much fuss about me.

15 The mystery behind this never ending mystery that has been playing out in my life since 2012. Does it have a time period ?Does it have a end?Or is it going to follow me like shadow where ever i go and end only with my end?

16.Finally who is going to solve this mystery?Will it be in force as a mystery and buried off as a mystery?Will any one ever take responsibility for all these violations , openly? Will they ever be questioned?Will the real purpose behind all this be ever  revealed ?


To sum up may be the needling was done to prevent me from reacting to suggestions and provocations .So the original culprits were those who blasted my ears in 2012 and allowed free entry to all and sundry.and sold me as a slave to many bidders, cheaply

To overcome this needling or to correct the after effects of needling  which may not be to suitable  to a  situation that may arise next  in due course of time what more will be done to me?Push me off the cliff?

I have found reasons[nearly] to  all the extraordinary tortures i was subject to since 2012  -it is due  to politics.But cannot find the reason behind that crazy multiple conversion attempts.Why is it so important to convert me,and stop me from being a Hindu at any cost, that authorities allowed it and still allow it ? 
Some  more  mysteries--
 1.The sound of pressurre cooker whistle at high volume.I observed in 2014 that it is a sound made deliberately .I guess that it is a warning .I used to hear this as early as 2005 emanating from certain flats .it  is still  given.Was there some deliberate attempts to take my son's life and who ever wanted to succeeded in it and that his death wasnot accidental but deliberate?

2.The CHUP Chup --sound of cars reversing.It usualy follows after analysis session is conducted on me in that heart to heart talks.It also is heard when i feel a   pressurre  on my heart which feels like as if a fear is gripping it.The time for this is whole day .but the fear like pressure gripping my heart is from 7.45 pm to 8.10 pm.Was this used to weaken my hub's heart?

3. The various smells that assail my nose at home or whilst walking--like smell of garlic, smell of meat masala, stink of sewege,stink of rotting corpse .I no longer smell the stink of rotting corpse but smell others.They warn me of suggestion givers not liked by those who are giving these smells.

4. Mystery  -Why are so many people interested in me , that is within me?Why are some  so very inimical that they have given me repeated suggestions so as to make me  go in for major surgeries  in 2014 against medical advise making me believe that  my delusional control will cease if i do so, but   .those  surgeries only nearly killed me and the delusional control is still continuing as merrily as ever?                                                                                                                                        Why this cloak and dagger? why can't it be straight?

5.Why am i made to fight with faceless enemies and talk to faceless strangers  everyday?Does our polity hinge on this faceless intrusions into my life?Is it so weak?Are its leaders so weak so as to resort to such sly methods?Why is there so much silence around the abnormal happenings around me?Why so much opaqueness in  a Democratic country?


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