Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Conversion attempts are still on.

In september 2014 there was a  unique type of conversion to Christianity performed upon me.That was the dominant conversion .The smaller conversions were to Islam with a fellow hollering his god's name in my ears and another was for sect change viz to shakthi with the promise that such a schange will save me from other conversions.
I turned down Christian conversion totally but played along with shakthi conversion for some time [after all it is also Hindu] but also turned it down after some time as it is impossible to changeafter  50 years of practising my sect.AS far as Islam was concerned i was given no choice.Just as loud bellow into my ears and then streaming of their  songs , worhip etc into my ears softly but clearly.Like i said i dont know how i am spoken to inside my by strangers etc but it is done.Maybe powerful transmitters with help of internet and audio bugs in my house .

However conversion to other two religions is still going on is still going on .Shakthi worship is nothing out of ordinary for me  as we--SriVaishnavaites worship Lakshmi who is also considered as one of the trio's constituting shakthi sect along with Saraswati and Durga , daily , so that conversion is no conversion .

Even now when i sit to meditate that is repeating  Bhagwan's name silently  whithin 9 counts a Muslim 's image will be made to pass through my forehead if my eyes are closed or i;ll be made to remember a neighbour or his wife or think of some burkha .This happens everyday .It also happens in temples.At first this rattled me and at times made me furious and i would discontinue , maybe that was the intended puporse to flash such images , that is to stop my concentration.Soon i got over it and persist after that mandatory image or wayward thinking.Throwing hurdles at ones concentration on one's god is attempt at conversion.It is going on  .
Next as i proceed repeating god's name a thick screen will be pulled across my forehead and all my japas etc will bounce back .It will not go in .My forehead will be blocked.Nothing i do will clear it.So i have to control my anger and revulsion and continue my meditation resignedly hoping to show the one's blocking that i will not let go of my simple daily puja.This is happening every day in the morning and at times in evening also.It happened today also.
 The converters /transformers are very happy when there is a death in the family .Asper our practise  if a relative of husband dies no puja should be conducted for 10 days .The oil wick lamp should not be lit .Flowers should not be used to decorate the images of gods.No fruit or food should be offered Slokas should not be recited .There should be no meditation or japa.That is no puja in the house  till the 10 day ritual is completed.On woife's side if death occurs the there is suspension of pujas but it is only for three days.They are happy becuase they have no need to convert by way of obstructing slokas and meditation as there will be none on those days and they can go on a well earned leave.Since  my husband follows all these rules and stops his daily puja It sometimes raises my suspicion that maybe just maybe some  deaths of his relatives and mine like his brother and my brother in June and August 2014 respectively maynot be natural and my late son's sudden death may also be in that unnaturally sudden death list..
If converters /transformers were already at work when my late son was alive then his death gave them a lot of relief from work of obstructing our puja, concentration etc , since my husband got done all the rituals that whole year --during every month for a year and at each such function there was no recitation of usual slokas or meditation in the house.
Till 2012 i had no such suspicions that is ,regarding conversion by intruding into our lives , In 2014 there were suggestions in usual- direct to mind that there was something fishy in hub's brothers death and actual conversion attempts  on me took place in 2014 .Maybe there was something fishy --viz to keep my husband off  from recitation and meditation for few crucial days .
Two questions rise --
1.Why is it so important to convert me?So as to do so many hanky panky sly stuffs to make me change religion?
2. If deaths were unnaturally sudden with the aim to stop my hub from doing his daily sloka recitation and japaWhy is my hubs puja so important  that it has to be stopped now and then with such sudden deaths,whilst it is me who is sought to be converted ?
Is it somerthing to do with inimical neighbours of India?

Just what are these sly inimical transformers upto?Why isn't there a let up in obstructing my daily puja relaxation etc?.Why are conversion attempts upon me still going on merrily?The converters must be getting lot of money for my conversion if not it will not go on and on like this. Am i considered to be a prime catch due to my lineage, so is money being poured in tons?Probably it is the reason.
It is a great slap to Hindu community if Mahamahopadyas[sanskrit scholar] great grand daughter and M/A.ayengar's [ an orthodox Hindu who fought against the British  and was at the helm when parliamentry democracy was introduced in new India]grand daughter is converted  firstly to other religions and secondly to other sect.Some one is intent on delivering this slap.


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