Friday, April 5, 2019

China .

Several months back i was watching a series on China in a knowledge channel.
The tall multistoreyed buildings with shining glass panes, neat neighbourhoods and smooth and wide roads in nearly all its cities and towns took my breath away.
They also showed villages that are like our own  viz green fields  and huts .That brought my breath back but the next scene took my breath away again.In that particular village the residents and owners of the lands were persuaded by the govt to sell thier lands and were moved away to an accomodation provided by the govt  few hundred miles away.The reason given for this dislocation was that tilling of small land holdings was not productive and there fore the govt stepped in to pool them all together and sell it to a private company which had the expertise--new technology to  increase the yields   ten times more than what the original farmers could.with old framing techniques.These villagers weren't making much money  from the produce of their lands and were leading a hand to mouth existence.

Next they showed the flats built for these farmers .They would outdo any modern flats built at cost of 4 and 5 crores constructed in our cities and suburbs.They were neat, spacious and had  latest technology in kitchen like operating stove etc with remote !Gas was piped and hot water was at a touch .the fans,tv ac etc operated in some new manner , like just clapping hands or even talking. These flats were given to them on highly subsidised loan by clearing which they would become its owners.
The villagers were taken to nearby towns in busses for search of employment, which was hard to come by .They didnt get one for many months.That depressed them ;Some got sweepers job in nearby flats and streets and many didn't get any job as they didnot have the skills to try other jobs than farming.
The govt  employees who were helping them find the jobs appeared to be very patient , kindly, mild mannered and helpful.I was really surprised at thier friendly attitude towards those lowly farmers  having myself been used to only impatience , irritation and unapproachability of our public servants ,be it govt or judiciary or PRO's of pvt  companies, specially at the lower rungs who will often shout one down hoping to humiliate and scare the people off from pursuing thier petitions and applications.

The next series was about Tibetan railway A Canadian engineer who did this series explained the tremendous efforts  that went into making of this railway line.since 1950's,, inwhich 1000's of lives were lost owing to the extreme cold weather in Tibet and the ice that covered all the lands that made it difficult to lay the lines.
The ice would melt in summer and freeze in winter and running a train over it would be like skating on thin ice..Few decades back an engineer [chinese] found out the way to tackle this problem  and thence forward it was but a matter of time to lay the railway lines in Tibet connecting it to China .
A lot of Chinese make this long trip mainly for sight seeing.The gleaming train has oxygen ducts to help passengers to overcome high altitude sickness .
When i watched this series i felt jealous and wretched .Why is it that it it was only few years back that we could lay railway lines in J & K?Why is are railroads connections in NE so sparse?The Chinese are achieving the impossible and we are dilly dalliying over the possibles!

When i see thier cities and our cities my wretchedness increases.Thiers are smart , neat and in ours every day a road even if it is good will be dug up and all debris thrown on the street itself.It took 10 years and more to build the metro in here and just when i heaved a sigh of relief from circutious traffic route we had to take for 10 years all the roads in pondy bazar has been dug up in pursuance of smart city plans.It is in terrific pellmell and we have to endure it.This is going on for one year.I guess that the Chinese would have finished these constructions in no time.Our pace of development in in snail pace whilst thiers is in race horses speed .It is fashionable to take the defence that we are a democracy and they are autocracy or totalitarian , if so how come Western countries who are democracies are all well developed?
I felt myself shrinking and felt that i would disappear if i saw some more of their incredible achievments.
At the end of the series the Canadian engineer was smirking when he concluded it by saying that these railroads are again facing the problem of melting ice and added with a mischeavous gleam in his eyes that the cause for this was the polluting smoke of industries in India blowing over Tibet heating the ice and making it melt.
On hearing this my gloom vanished in a trice and i felt happy and was filled with glee.I don't know why?I was too young during 1962Chinese war scarcely 5 years old so have no memory of that war , hence harboured  no ill will towards China.                                                                                              So it  is the natural envy one feels at one's neighbour's achievments and prosperity and glee at their fall?                                                                                                                                                           I have listened to tales of horror related to me by my relatives on their recent trip to Kailash mansarovar?The woman said that the chinese controlled territory of the pilgrimage is strewn with human feces as the Chinese refused to provide toilets or water nor did they clean the mess as it was thier intention to nasty Indian pilgrims so as to discourage them from visiting Kailash.The women ate less so as to hold thier bowels for 3 -4 days!
They also commented on poverty and pathetic conditions of Tibetians , who didnot even have a TV to watch .

My fingers itched to write down all this but i restrained myself . specially the part about ice melting down owing to smoke from India.What if China uses it to slap sanctions on us for pollution in UN? Was that Canadian engineer playing a divide and rule  by blaming India ?It was also the time when cordial talks were going on between the  two countries heads. Was some one egging me to embarrass our govt at that juncture?                                                                                                                         Maybe i  have a inflated opinion about
 the influence of my writings .Why should China care as to what I write in my house?If not for the interest of foreign enemy countries in me would i have been made aware that i am a defence problem?Was that delusional or is it for real?
I think it is real .In 2015on a social visit our host a retired defence intelligence official scanned the road suspiciously when he saw us off.Why should he do it unless and until he was warned about inimical countries or other foreign countries unholy interest in  me?

Aern't Pakistan and China the two countries inimical towards us?Isn't it the job of defence to defend this country from such inimical countries?If they are around me that means they are defending this country.Have they harmed me in that process?maybe.Is the stinging pain given in my eyes and all round silence thier doing? Maybe.If so what a pity that my grandfather sacrifised his best years to free this country from Britisher's rule.He ought to have stuck to his roaring law practise and made pots of money instead.

Testing ASTAT successfully is a terrific achievment .

Amazing how our scientists can blow a sattilitte travelling in great speed in space and destroy it within minutes.Precise calculations.A great achievment.

On one hand we have such world class achievments in space and on the other we have development projects dragging for years on solid ground !A country with contradictions.


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