Friday, April 19, 2019

Journalists vs Politicians

Who is better?
As far as i am concerned journalists of all hues  have used ideas from my blogs to make money for themselves They are of no use to me.They neither give me moral support  nor  confer any monetary benifits  .If they are in this intrusive methods to  provoke and prod me to react and write then they are hypocrites since on one hand they portray themselves as defenders of freedoms of citizens gaurenteed under our constitution and on other deprive me of my right to privacy , religion and right to enjoy my life peacefully .They are also  parasites  living off my ideas .

Political leaders  if they so will can confer monetary benifits  on me legally through the various  governmental schemes    aimed at the section of society i belong to  viz senior citizen , woman ,etc by enhancing the duration , interests , or giving exemptions , concessions etc.
Hence political leaders even if they are part  of this intrusion , dumbing me down etc and suspended the rights listed above,and therefore as much hypocritcal as journalists, they can confer material benifits  ensuring financial security on me , not persona;lly but as part of a governmental scheme  ,and have done so .
Journalists and politicians  are the devil and the deep sea making a mockery of  several of my rights and  freedoms but of the two ,politicians are more useful to me .They can at least give me something Journalists are of no use to me.They only take and take from me.


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