Thursday, November 2, 2017

Griefs that are uniform in degree,

As per the ancient Sage Kashyap ,gods have observed that the following to be griefs of uniform degree .

1.The grief of one who has lost all his wealth.

2.The grief of one who has lost his son
3.The grief of one who is in debt

4.The grief of one who is separated from his companions

5.The grief of a woman who has lost her husband

6.The grief of one who has lost his all in consequence of the king's demand

7.The grief of a woman who is sterile.

8.The grief of one who is devoured by a tiger [ during his last struggles in the tiger's claws]

9.The grief of one who is a co wife.

10The grief of one who has been deprived of his property by false witness.

From Mahabharat--Sabha parva.



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