Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Pigeons at it!-------------27.9.17

As usual morning coffee in balcony and was contemplating about writing about my recent trip to beach and the fig tree.It was a lovely dawn and i was at peace and was observing a crow feed its young one in its thorny nest in the fig tree and formed words to write about it.What impels the crow to feed its young one?Duty and affection?It also remembers to feed it !So it also has memory.Scientists call it instinct but  it appears like memory to me.I have realised the value of memory ever since i was made to lose it and can recognise and admire it when birds which are said to have no brains are showing clear signs of memory. It has to remember that it has young ones it also has to remember where it has placed them and also remember that they  depend on it totally for food and growth.

Birds feeding thier young ones  are very ordinary day to day occurrence  which i have seen countless times before without taking much notice but it  has suddenly caught my attention. Is it the life with limited  socialisation i lead which is making me do so?If not for constant interruption by transmissions and external control of my bodily movements  i would observe nature and  society in greater detail .

Several minutes later my mind suddenly got filled with memory of Qutub minar  standing on ruins of Vishnu temple and started to get hot and bothered  and started justifying anger of Hindus against Muslims up north.Unlike in here they couldn't re build the temples destroyed by Muslim rulers as they were  under thier rule for centuries.where as in here temples destroyed by marauders were built within few years  as the sultans couldn't hold on to thier conquests for long .That Vishnu temple must be more than a1000 years old  and could have been as sacred , and hoary as Vishnu  temple at Srirangam.

Saw a pigeon on the transformer of the next flat complex.It was like a bucket of cold water thrown on me.So a pigeon was provoking me to such thoughtswhen i wanted to write anice peice .That pigeon then flew away southwards .
I couldn't believe this.Why would a Muslim want to provoke me to write against themselves?Is it ISI or other neighbours as hinted to me often --the foreign enemy  to create disunity through me?

Then i remembered that mentally retard's brother an auto driver involved in this provocation regarding Qutub minar earlier also.He used to park his auto under my window since 2012 He had Amma's picture in his auto.So is it the ruling party in here that is provoking me to think and then write on such subjects hoping it would encourage the right or fringe to create trouble for center?

My late brother had observed from what i related to him of the sudden eruption of mass ragging against me in 2012 that it looked like as if two different  people were trying to provoke and control me .

yesterday i was raging against harshness of some Gujarati's and Punjabi's on hearing Bharatiyars song  on his young daughter  If tears fall from your eyes my heart is pierced  .I felt sorry for that girl of lower flat who is often made to cry to warn me of impending punishments I was under the impression that it is center [ since her father is supposed to represent center--courtsy red line] which is making that kid sob for my sake and so ranted against it .They had that kid so late into thier married life nearly 15 years or more and thier karma they can't bring her up in a normal way and my karma to talk and listen to every lowlife Muslim and Christians What a mess these flats have become since 2012.

After this sudden rage i was having a seista i had that' Forgivness session'That i should forgive all those who have blasted and jammed my head and start writing good things about them So Christianisation or Pshycological sessions are still going on through transmissions. [i observed that  plugs used for electrical appliances like wall fan or for recharging mobiles or tablet  or washing machine whose screws can be seen,and  which are nearby  are used  probably as speakers to convey these messages.,Remotes of TV and Ac are used in giving pain and in speeding up discussions on politics]

I refused to forgive.Why should i forgive those who have made me appear like harlot  and have wiped away the respect  that my husband gave me in society?Or forgive those who are constantly provoking confusing and sending me messages non stop 24 | 7transmissions right into my mind?Making me restless and make me lose my identity, confidence and faith and trust in people around me , in myself, in my society ,govt and country?
That lower flat residents and kid took of f yesterday laughing .Don't know if my ire worked.Is that kid juat Ek din ka sultan or would her normal childhood be given back to her?As if there cannot be other ways to warn me rather gloat over the pains that is awaiting me in joints , spine abdomen and limbs when i delibertely interrupt transmissions seeking reactions to headline news -which is only about minorities and thier plight and netas.when my thoughts race on subjects that hardly interests me i know that it is due to transmission and so try various ways to discourage it
So bodily pain is given for the following ---

1.For not co operating with analysis sessions
2.When i express contrary  views as opposed to that bleeding hearts or politicians have on topics taxing newspapers and TV channels .i deliberately give very strong opposing views since my indifference to such news is being unneccasrily provoked .

I am allowed to be provoked That is not Law and order problem When i react to such provocations nastily to discourage such forcible exhortions in future and give crazy views then it is law and order or even national security problem!

I never imagined that i would get so deep into Bai problem.Why are so many of them hovering around me?Is it out of  fear  of me --thoughts , speech and writing owing to control by two authorities or fear of authorities or is it the hope getting some concessions out of my analysis
When i typed authority it was underlined .who is it? center or state or both? what for ?To continue taking revenge and prove what a right logger observed in 2014 that all brahmin women are attracted to low life Muslims? Which means brahmin men professing only knowledge and austerity for centuries are not strong or potent enough and that low life muslims fed on meat and beef for centuries and having a lot of experience in such matters are  capable of satiating starved brahmin women. For ideas?To ward off foreign enemy?

I am in a quagmire .

Don't the minorities have the entire media ,journos as thier supporters ?So what is so  attractive about me?
The only reason could be is that they know that my writings have a direct acces to those at center of power and they hope for a melt down.
It is happening .The more i abuse them nit picking on things about them which hardly  mattered to me till 2012 ,on thier nature , way of life , past history and  for intrusion , provocation  etc they are seen more positively

If low class or poor Muslims, christians and Hindus are doing all this to me out of fear of Authorities and not for money or revenge or conversion,in order that authorities will  get something out of me ,i feel sorry for all of them .
 few days back a young poor Brahmin Saivaite priest  whom i have never seen before in my locality was made to stand behind me in pursuance this same goal of no touch casing that causes scratching in my behind.on my way back from a walk in the evening ASaivaite brahmin woman of my flat who is in this shadowy work was in the vicinity.So it is not like as if only poor Muslims or Christians are  forced  to do this it is also poor Hindus who are forced into this

.That youth is a religious man , temple priest unlike the poor victims  of other communities.and he may have to go to a temple to do his duties or officiate on some religious function after this dirty act even if it is notional it is dirty.Horror to make such a person a unsuspecting victim in this nasty game What would his mother's feeling be if she knew ? what would all the Hindus reading this feel ?Young Srivaishnavaite priests officiating in temple premises are also used .
My blogging all these unheard perversity and lamentations seem to have no effect at all .It  is either  arrogance of power or desparation which has tossed all decency to winds .Both are unforgivable.


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