Monday, October 2, 2017

Timing of ripening of the fig tree.

The arsamaram --the fig tree in nearby temple covered itself with a rich crop of coral red berries in mid September.The fact that it had given out a rich crop was brought to my notice by screeches of a swarm of black bats feeding on the fruits frenzily at night.
It was reminiscent of the feeding frenzy of twittering flock of mynahs at day time, few years back when this tree had sent out an equally rich crop of berries .I observed at that time that the skies that were dry suddenly bacame overlaid with dark  clouds a day or two after the furious feasting came to an end and it started to rain .

Now the sky in mid september was blue and the heat was scorching .When the feasting came to an end i made abet that it would rain within few days.Much to my exhiliration dark clouds from nowhere rolled in and within few days it started to rain!
So my observation was right.i had blogged about this earlier asking whether the clouds were summoned by the fig tree to propogate its species?Or did it know exactly in which year it would rain sufficiently and chose that year to burst forth in full  so that it had 100 % chance of survival.

According to Bhagwat Gita fig tree is the most sacred  tree Probably  our ancients had  observed what i did .



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