Monday, September 4, 2017

Law and order and national security!

Went for morning walk The nearby Adi parashakthi temple festival ended yesterday.A lot of pongal was cooked on the road side day before and the smoke arising out of the  twigs heating the pots over bricks by freshly bathed and newly clothed women streamed down the street and it strangely reminded me of Peryaaazwars pasuram on Devaprayag.He decribes this ancient town as being constantly covered by smoke arising out of yagnams conducted on both sides of river Ganges .At present there is not even a smattering of such a smoke cover there but this street is having it.

A crazy comparison .I donot have this pongal cooking ritual except on pongal day but all those who were doing it in this festival were doing it with a lot of sincerity hence the smoke seemed sacred .

The streets were too deserted .The Ttd  Srinivasar temples door was closed They seem to be bent on de popularising  Lord Venkateshwara by constantly shutting its doors.It is only a huge puja room and not a proper temple yet too many restrictions have crept in and most of the time the gates are closed on ground of this and that puja .It is like as if it is easier to get Venakteshwaras darshan in Tirumalai than in in here . On one hand ttd wants to popularise Srinivasar by conducting kalyana utsavam all over India and on other is  denying morning walkers of a glimpse of Venkateshwara  idol in this puja hall !Few years back the gates were always open and one could easily get a darshan from the road itself.It is not my complaint alone but also of several others from my flat.

On return saw a car that had army written on it .I saw it because its driver honked deliberately to catch my attention .Since defence has started playing  a crucial role in my life since 2014 i thought of the new Defence minister.Nirmala .S .Yesterday on TV debate a muslim member of jds was castigating another  new minister but was praising this defence minister wholeheartedly.Muslims and Christians glare at me with  heart  full of anger .So screws will be tightened on me by this new minister.for upsetting the secular balance.Maybe a tank will be sent here after to keep me in line or even let it  run over me .

There i have given secular certificate to this govt !Why not act against thier own party men who are 100 times more polarising than me?I am  the scape goat in this image make over.

The wifi net was cut off since Saturday  lest i tweet or blog. It also enabled  undisrurbed radio transmission that made me lethargic  and depressed.The high and  mighty fearing the lowly! why ? Becuase the guilty are afraid.Guilty of doing abnormal and unnatural things to my body and mind forcibily.Scared that i may dent the Liberal Democratic label that every party pins itself with, but hardly practises .My case is a shining example of this hypocricy and fraud .

 The ruling party at centre is very  foccussed on pinning me down and it is ably assisted by the state govt.

What a wretched country this has become.Police and army entering my life, property, body and mind at will .

 If conversion to Christianity is only method to maintain Law and order why can't the police try the same solution on criminals, naxals, terrorists and hard core hindu activists and make them all' noble and forgiving' citizens and Tnadu will become a garden of peace and tranqulity.

Why is the state so concerned about my morals, my day to day activities and try and change them in a covert manner?If i am a Hindu i will be wicked but on conversion i will become goody goody!Is this how law and order problems  are tackled? Why should the police be burdened with conversion activities?Why not solve this problem by letting the fury of minorities take its natural course?They can stab me  and run away  .Tamilnadu will then be free of this Ratha kateri--blood sucking devil--a tittle given to me by a  labbai  shop keeper and also free of a moral less woman  who goes around tearing her tissues -a tittle given by a Christian salesman.
Tamil nadu will then become free of this polariser and i will also be freed from this constant drudgery of writing on and on .



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