Thursday, September 7, 2017

Effect of removal of root canaled tooth.

I had decided to do or die and settle the strong suspicion i had that i was receiving orders ,suggestions  from outside that was making me write on and on or keep a unstoppable chatter within me or have this urge to talk to my husband or son only when  muslim is in vicinity was due to some chip put into my tooth in 2011  .
Was a bit afraid of removing it in case i damage some nerve and become immobile, so had decided to case it with gold but  abandoned it when the thought grew into me that to remove that tooth totally would be the only way to solve that issue totally.
Every time i visualised some fellow whispering directly into my head with the aid of whatever was kept in my tooth my stomach would churn and make me want to vomit.That made me more resolute and i found a Dentist who pulled out the tooth completely .
Ok did i gain .Have messages stopped They haven't .But there is one difference or gain after that painful extraction.
1.Very important is that my memory is returning  on and off.I am no longer that  perriniely confused babbling  infant i was projected as since 2012 .

2.Another very important effect is that i can feel the pressures applied on my head specially on the left side to make me turn my head or move my body. Earlier from 2012-2014 i could feel these pressures on my head which would bring tears if i didn't budge .After screwing my head and squeezing out fluids in 2014 i no longer felt this external pressures working on my head ,probably i was obeying orders  implicitly without differentiating between my own natural urges and need  and that orders that were given to me .I had stopped wearing specs  owing to removal of original lens in cataract surgery so i had no external transmitter or receiver on me yet i was obeying these urges to turn ,talk or mentally converse .I have never found the need to mentally converse with my family members  till this sudden twist. My conversations were always open .

So that tooth did have some chip in it  since now after its removal i can feel the pressures applied on my head .
to change its directions.and my memory is also returning.

Ok why is it necessary to change my head or body whilst at home?Is it for my benifit or to the benifit of those playing with my body?Since transmissions with mobile is still going  along with appearance of flights  i guess my head is changed so that it would be cut off when it is not to the benifit of my body controllers .

Which could also mean that there is yet another chip in my tooth receiving transmissions in that older root canaled tooth or the receivers in my house are so powerful that it is easy to convey the transmissions specially after my forehead was made transparent after jamming and squeezing and thoughts read with a reader..

Birds and meaning of their calls. deliberately made to call
Crow---Hindus in vicinity sedning transmissions
Mynah --Handicapped persons in vicinity, road
Parrot --Christians in vicinity
Koels --Muslims in vicinity

Dogs  in street fighting amongst themselves  means dog like men are fighting over me.
All Dogs barking together means the presence of a unwanted intruder who is also claiming rights over me  which  not liked by these local dogs .Now a days dog barks have gone down .Was at its height when that attempts at conversion was going on in 2014 and  when i was off net for more than a year
Squirrels cry--Intelligence people or covert actors , most in my flats , gaining or losing something.
Vicinity =half km on all directions.

According to red line [assuming it is correct ]then centre is giving koel notes  which also means in default state is giving other bird and animal calls .
which means that our area for half km on all sides is under constant cctv surveillence of both centre and state.These calls are given to alert those persons in these flats itself to  change our body positions to either receive or not to receive the transmissions .

Crows calls have come down greately but koels calls  have become  very frequent and quite loud.

Implants in my family --No proof but strong guess

1.My son --He hurt his upper lip in cricket match whilst working in infosys and had it stitched --In 2010

a.The year i was blogging with great interest
 b.He was chiding his christian collegues for their conversion activities even during  office team outings and for forming a christian conversion club in infosys itself                                                                                    c .The year  when i received a warning from Vidat's christian collegue  who was then in US not to blog on hinduism .

2'Myself --in 2011  on my right lower teeth--root canal Maye a chip also inserted in the adjacent root canaled tooth as well.

3. My husband in 2012  --in his right tooth and in 2014 two on his left teeth-- all 3 root canals

Most Tragic--is my son

If my son has it then it is a highly inhuman and very vicious thing to do to such a young man who was  yet to taste life on his own .He was barely 24 then The same age that vidat passed away.

At least i and my husband have been through life for more than 50 years with our own thoughts , views and urges and experiences

These perverted monsters must be  slowly squashing his personality by  denying him the pleasure or pain  to experience life in his own terms and to form his own opinions and to pursue his beliefs  and maybe substituting his original personality with a tailored one.

Myself and my husband--We physically lost our first son when he was 24years and then slowly  started losing our  second  emotionally  slowly and gradually from when he turned 24.

 My husband --Implants were  used to give him  heart attack in 2012 .His heart was so weakened that a general doctor said he would need a pace maker .But the special;ist said he would be set right with tablets.Probably he was informed about the implant which would interfere with the pacemaker so suggested medicines .With two more in 2014, he is being denied his right to go for good  modern medical treatment to lengthen his life.

Myself --Loss of memory , loss of control over my body ,head loaded with others trash thoughts, views and anger and squashing of my personality, originality  and abilities .And shooting up of my BP as i guess men in working age are depositing thier tensions on me through suggestions + auditory maskings etc though ihave no reason to feel any tension or worry at this age 60 .I donot even worry  about implants or flights effects on me or auditory masking but a change in my life style brought about with threats etc since 2014 like as if i am a   wife to my husband of 38 years for only 15 years and that i have to go through the morning tensions i went through 20 years back in preparing food and filling the tiffin box of office going husband and school going children and also handle the maid ,house, clients ,ailing parents , along  with the problems caused by highs and downs of hormones, all of which is natural to that age and all of which i became  totally free  by  50 years, could be pushing my BP up and weakening my hubs heart further .My husband retired 16 years back and  the  son settled in a job and is on his own for nearly 8years .  Nobody is stabbing me to death and running away because it is being done slowly and systematically ,like slow poisining.

Only comfort is that i read that chips tend to move away .So it could have moved from my son's his upper lip [if he had one] to a  fair distance away from his ears .Hope so.

In my and hub case no chance of it moving as it is nicely embedded inside roots [ bone like ] of our teeth

 The only proof  that my son has a implant or is controlled  is that he complained of the same  metallic whoosh  sound[ similar to  the one i feel  on and off ] and blockage of his left ear [ the way mine was blocked in 2014 whilst blogging] when he made a trip to Srilanka with his friends 2 years back and did some snorkeling  in the sea on a ship that had few foreigners on board.He had his ears checked on return.


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