Thursday, September 7, 2017

The yen to immobilise me covertly.

1.Causing severe pain in my knees in 2011 after the root canal surgery immobilising me for months
2.Making me hear high volume and nerve wracking decibels during morning  to make me a nervous wreck hoping i would collapse .--2012
3.Making me feel spear  like piercing of my head for whole month during night time hoping that i would be paralysed .--2014
4. Squeezing out fluids for a whole month in order to dehydrate me to death?--2014

All the above happened in the' safety' of my house.

That meditation in which i could feel the hole in my head gave me a important clue,whilst hands .knees and other parts of the body can feel pain therefore can be remedied  becuase the brain says so the brain itself cannot feel the pain caused to it  ,It manifests itself in fits or paralysis when it is too late .

Some how i have survived  the attacks on my brain to immobilise me .

God only knows what is the next attack planned on my brain to keep me at home in  bed.

Did i receive strong suggestions to extract my tooth so that i may not bear the damage to nerves .i did get fits for half an hour but survived that also .


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