Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Magnets in my daily use clutch's button has made me stumble  by braking my  knee pain they have also made me trip with sudden  lighheadedness  and made me fall  .Garbage bins on road side are the palces that have this magnetic field in maximum .At home it could be my fridge and from  cars and scooter  parked  without them being used regularily.

Stumbled on this suddenly and when i prised the magnets away from my clutch and was carrying them to throw it in a garbage bin a iron tricycle  coming from behind careered into me uncontrollably ,near a garbage bin in a right turning .I was holding these small 4 magnets size of a press button in my right hand .  How powerful these magnets are!

I have been carrying the same clutch for past several years.It explains skidding of scooters  and bikes and cars coming from back nearly running me down  but some how controlling it.A serious matter is a joke to many as most knowing by standers laugh it off .

Garbage bins are source of this magnetic pull It is symbolic also .The holier than thou's think that my mind is a garbage  dump and it should be washed clean of thoughts ..Who asked them to peer into it ?I guess if i think how to make money by illegal means  or keep on thinking and  sighing at the exaggerated plights of thier dear votebanks then my mind is pure and clear !

4.1.17   Since i purged my purses of the heavy duty magnets ,flights have taken a turn .Very few landings but  very many take offs right over my apartment and in the eastern side.I thought that my presence commanded the movement of traffic on streets it seems it also commands air traffic in the sky!

I used to keep the two purses that had  a powerful magnet each in its metal button as well as in a old  jolla walla -cloth bag worn on the shoulder ,  which also had a powerful magnet in its button  as well as a relatively new leather handbag  which also had a magnet in its clasp that has a button in the cupboard of my bedroom  near the window which abuts the street below . It  is also the window from where one can see the landing of planes clearly .Some times i could even see the planes windows.

This practise of keeping my purses , handbags  in that cupboard with steel doors  dates back to the time we occupied these flats ,which is more than a decade and a half .

There is a connection between magnets,vehicles, iron things , planes and me .The combination affects my body as well as mind .A body that has lost its firmness owing to age hence easily malleable and mind that had been  subject to intolerable loud noises in 2012 May  and pierced by painful shafts in 2014 June.

One tangible result since i removed and threw away those magnets is the reduction  of my urge to write  on and on .constantly regruiting analysis,on topics, mainly news, i hardly care and supplementing it with my long lost past memory.Both of which are of no use to me but could be to those having a  immoral   desire  for my mind                                                                                                                                                            .i am getting back my original interests like reading books ,.in this also i have to be wary becuase the steel in the specs that is near my forehead  does affect me, irritating me to a angry mood.  .So have to rely on my eyes to read and this slows it. and reduces the pleasure of reading

Have to be very wary of listening music with earphones as they have magnets [all earphones have]Have to be wary talking on mobile as it also has ..I heard music yesterday with earplugs and here i am writing , blogging on and on.
So this is democracy? i cannot live for myself  and satisfy myself  by.whatever  means of relaxation i seek like hearing music  , walking leisurely whether on terrace or outside [in my last trip to beach the number of garbage bins in my usual route on the sands  multiplied alarmingly and i couldn't walk though i had very little iron on me  viz only two safety pins] or read books or watch TV or visit temples or social functions  it will be used to  make me  write or burst out  .
Every form of my activity and relaxation has to result in my service to unknown persons  .That is how i have been fixed .

A lot of effort has gone and is still going on to curb my intellectual pursuits and even more effort to bring  me down  to the level of  a fish wife.



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