Saturday, December 31, 2016

New years wish--2017

To sympathisers of naxals and  Amman ki asha groups and politicians.Get off my back.

I find a band running freely in the heart of India with guns ,ieds etc with intent of bringing down this democratic state indigestible and unacceptable .it is a making  a joke out of the state.

Amman ki asha's donot pull me into your group .I have no interest in the relationship of India  with Pakistan .It is the look out of the leaders and not mine.I could give a damn.
                                           I have  no interest in Muslims in india.I have no interest in their way of life .Frankly I am not in the least  bothered about them .I find no novelty in their existence as they have been around for centuries .So do not keep on provoking me to keep me obssesed with them and other minorities By needling me constantly with nasty practises you are  only sowing hatred and revulsion  against them  within me.

Politicians you have the power to kill or to make bonded slaves out of us.It is unsettling and irritating but it no longer makes me cower in fear .I have got fed up of writing reams which are of no use to me.Getting concessions to public through my writings  doesnot give  a high or atma trupthi ..I get  satisfaction and true atnma trupthi  only when i spend my money  and my own resources to help others on my own.                                                                                                                  
As a starter I hope that in this new year these three  shanni's  will get off my back .

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Take off -- my diary --of 22 and 23rd DecembersShani's reign 0ver me


At 10.4o am  saw to my surprise saw take offs in the hazy cloudy eastern sky from my bedroom window.To confirm went up.No landings only take offs from 11--12 am -the time i was there
Evening attended a music concert .couldn't enjoy it as mind blocked constantly.
Night lay flat in my usual sleeping posture determined to resist the urge i have been having these days to turn left or right side to find out the effect.and woke up at 3.20am .wondered why?There must be a flight. So lay flat ears in same plane 10 minutes later heard plane's sound clearly, as no other sound in the street, from the bathroom which is on my right.Then  my left leg started to feel the cleaving pain similar to delivery  pain or tooth ache viz not  pain in the real sense but a unbearable discomfort .
 .Terrible! It persisted even after the plane went out of ear shot .Immediately a police van materialised with its siren in street below and heard street dogs barking in the southern side of the street.
Day before yesterday i realised that i was being turned turned to my side at night and then instantly i felt the need to visit the loo urgently, so wanting to overcome this frequent trips decided to stick to my flat position and found the result today.

what has been done to me?

1. either micro wave rfs etc used at the time of plane's flight noise or
2.Conditioned .
For first all the beaming need only to be stopped--will needed
iF it is second then tough .Then those who did it may know the technique to overcome it --again will needed.
observed that hub also dashes to loo on or before take offs in mornings after his puja For me it is night in here.But in Bangalore it was in mornings as well.

Went up in morning to terrace from 8am stayed till 8.40am.In this period there were only take offsin the east, overhead and on west.No landing! strange i have seen only landings in from eastern  sky gliding southwards since when i started to observe planes after linking them to my activities and physical discomfort.
Gas cylinders were being banged two flats away in right side.They were being offloaded to mini trucks just before take offs .Caught myself analysing.So this metallic sound was being used to provoke my thoughts .The gas godown right in middle of so many residents is a threat to all .Many petitioned earlier but it was not shifted .Now its location in here  is a must  for those wanting me to write hence i doubt whether it will be shifted although it must be against rules to have such huge shed of gas cylinders amidst more than a 1000 residents living in close proximity.
As i watched the street down below, hub come from his walk.A huge gas truck backed making him to stand a while when a huge van with metal covering all over came and stood before the petty shop blocking it till hub passed it .As It left saw upstairs Burkha clad neighbour purchasing in that shop manned by a christian woman.
Felt cheated and quite angry.So she + that woman seller was being protected from my hub in this casing case or from my looking down though i had taken off my gold bangles , and metals from my person ,but maybe the precaution was becuase of  metal dish antenea that are plenty in the terrace, just before or on a take off [saw a take off then] but i am left bare to thier hubs and sons and creeps on the road

I guess in take offs i am easily controlled as it is only in landings that planes use gps etc , so in take offs no clash with its frequencies , so free to control my movments with help of rfid implant etc 
Ok why is so important to control me
if my observations that flight paths have been changed for me?
For my analysis, preceptions etc?Laughable ,there are 100's of journo's doing a better job of it
That means what i guessed before jamming of my mind could be true.I was made to write forcibily for foreign affairs or blaming society to distract ire against politicians.Latter spoilt my image .
But no one will change planes flight path for auditory masking so that i write about society.So it must be the former
That means Kudunkulam is real I was part of Obama's crazy foreign policy deal for swapping a honest person's view in us courts for sg's release from a harsh law .The next deal of the new govt would have to crush or silence me.
Whenever i blog --neighbours it gets underlined in red[my spell check is not allowed to work by censors]though spelling is correct.ok neighbours means
If there is a mystery to 370 flight and is connected to making me write in that swapping deal then it is china which should be after me
Before 2014 i was sure that sympathisers of terrorists and naxals had a free acces to my writings, house and my activities within.Why were they given acces? Could be politics or political tie ups.

How were they given?Through hidden cameras and implants or both?I didnt conceive any of these crazy ideas but used as a instrument ,all that needed was to give suggestions through micro waves, and provoke to write Is it still given?If so why?

[Again why me?Have to blame shani for sitting on my shoulders and this is sitting on it since 2010 

 when i started to blog actively and upper floor owner made his entry to his house and forced himself  into our life from 2012 onwards]Those who can disable  my rfid can do it.But they are not willing to let go off me .If done i will become as inconsequential as that black cat which did super human feats before 2014 like bolting doors from outside .It is now a mangy unattractive animal , its presence scarcely noticeable.

A little good effect of declaring on blog of having quit BJP or of having no contacts with any political party [also in real life]is that my harrassment in streets and shops  has come down a bit.

Am i being used by tn govt to write and get concessions from centre?are also political parties using my writings for politics and speeches?
Earlier I did have the satisfaction of getting things for people i n here .But no longer do.after realising that i have deliberately provoked to write and it is not of own accord
Secondly instead of being valued for public service , more and more humiliations , provocations are being heaped upon me.Free service is not appreciated .There is no value for it .Am not a politician to reap power  as a compensation for abuses hurled or insults subject to .
I think i was expected to write about my walk in woods --about Vardah .
I curbed my urge to write about my stroll and what i saw.Why should i?The papers who make alot of money have enough descriptions , by well paid journo's..

Since i can find no logical   reason for going to the extreme of micro waving me since 2010and then implanting animal like control within me except that it was the insecurity of the corrupts and secular fundamentalists.As i am unable to  get rid of it  I am blaming shani's reign over me .
Shani reigns for 7 and a half years causing a lot of misery to the person .This shani's reign is linked to my blogging .

Since it started in 2010 it should end by 2017 september .

Why has not the ongoing conversion attempts has found no sympathy amongst locals?

I have written in length about my conversion attempts on and on  which was actually  witnessed by all in the slum tenements when it took place last in full steam last year , who may also have read it later.

But no one is  scandalised by it though removal of my mangalyam with threats etc could have caused some ripples amongst them which could explain the attempts by my Hindu neighbours to make me wear it ofcourse through micro waves .No one talks to me about all this straight away.

Why is the voting Hindu populace up yonder not bothered about this/
1.Is it because to them i donot fall into typical Tam brahmin mould of feeding crows early in morning or make a outward show of festivals i celeberate and there fore what does it matter if i am a hindu or christian?
2.I have also observed that to the general population , the voting kind, Christians are good whilst Brahmin s [specially like me] are vile and bad. So i will become a better person if converted .So why should any one protest?

is it the prevalence of schools run by christians in every nook and corner one of the reasons ,who start morning prayers with hymns etc?Catching them young?And thier subtle  but open contempt for hindu practises ?It is forward and cool  to be a christian but backward to be a hindu.

3. They are highly protective of their muslim bai's shielding them from my  'amorous' nature.Are they protective because they are really kind or do they have that fear lurking within that Muslims should not be crossed , their sensitivities harmed or else they would  have to face their anger and violence?A fear lurking within most seculars and most Hindus are tolerant/secular.

Of the tug of war of conversions of the two communities over me this populace would welcome my conversion to christianity.According to them I am  already  forward/westernised  so why should i crib from legalisng it?They bathe , early, buy banana leaf and bananas every new moon --Amavasya to give it to pitrus whilst i am reading books[even if it be Gita or 4000 prabhandhams] and dallying.

Probably that was why i was asked  to change sect--to Amman worship.As amman worshippers are gradually and easily converted .Mariamma(Mary) =shakthi or Amman.

i guess that my melting inwardly at mention of Rama is of little consequence to them .Nor would the spiritual peace i found in  several of the divya desams and in Tirumala before my harrasment be appreciated as sign of my Hinduness.

There is no revulsion at Christianising Hindus in here amongst ordinary  hindus of lower stratta.Christians are more or less like us .The women put bindi on forehead ,some men put vibhuthi on thier forhead ,in thier weddings the groom also ties the turmeric soaked thread around brides neck like hindu's do, the only difference is that the goldpendant will be a cross or Jesus and not  any Hindu symbol , they celeberate all our festivals and talk proudly of thier caste [though christianity has no caste].They have no inhibitions regarding exposure of body like hindu's.Where as muslims are distinct .Strictly No bindi no mangalyam cover themselves from head to foot whether with sari or with burkha and do not speak of caste or take pride in it .                                                                                         Only priests and educated discern it viz christians mimicking hindus ways and practises to earn the trust of masses ,which is useful for persons wanting to convert The priests, scholars  and educated persons are wary but are helpless to do anything about it.
Political parties  like dmk and aidmk  must be knowing this .Jayalalitha learnt it the hard way when she brought anti conversion bill and then retracted after a defeat.Christian father's right to convert should never be questioned .he is a very very good person isnt he next to god'?That is what ordinary populace [all hindus]is brain washed into believing.The cold reception i received to my plight in bjp office had me confused .Then observing thier wooing of christians in goa going against rss views on conversion set me thinking .Added to this was my relative's in here who is rss bjp worker extolling her friendship with a christian teacher when i went to tell about my conversion woes.In the pricking bodily parts muslim hand was detected  and was cautioned .But it was like as if i have been gifted away for conversion either to this or that religion and between the two christians are a better choice.Fool i was to go to politicians for seeking help.Bjp 's manager once said Muslims will not vote for us so they must be wooing the other minority community --christians .It seems to be thier strategy all over india ,so how will they offend this community if that community is keen on converting me and when local populace is ambivalent ?

So in the tug of war between two communities allowed to convert me both have the weight of political parties behind them  .Muslims and christians have support of political parties in here  whilst christians have support of ruling party at centre.

What a gall to indirectly nudge a person away from her religion to other religions just for political gains and to use resources of the state to do it!Where is my religious freedom?Am i scapegoat for pro hindu parties to gain the badge of secularism?Would bjp have done this to one its members from jansangh?I went trustingly to them thinking they were champions of hindus as against congress that had become anti hindu, but they have gone several steps ahead of them  and made it pucca.If not for the 1 month long jamming of my head and for the exhaustion due to , fluids being squeezed out no converting fellow could have come near me .

Can a individual battle the resources of the state and didn't it occur to them that it was unjust and unfair to do so?It seems like replay of inquisition of yore with blessings of state!

To fear a blogger is laughable.Despite being in constant receipt of insults by ordinary people and constant teasing of my bodily parts and dizzy spells i am still going out alone for walks and shopping and visiting temples.                                                                                                                                             I feel this is my country and i have every right to lead a free life like every one else and i will not be cowed down . i also feel i am clean .Not guilty of any crime or wrong doing and am living off honest earnings.So what is there to fear?It is those doing all this insidious stuff on me who should fear.

As far as muslim conversion is concerned , i thought it was past history.Wasn't it always by force?But what is being done to me is also persuasive and it has been going on since it came to my knowledge from 2012.They have changed their tactics and to a secular of leftist variety--soft on muslims and sc's without a shred of hatred  or revulsion towards them-- like me for best part of my life it was indigestible and unbelievable.
It is also unbelievable to me that sc's [guess mainly recent converts to Christianity ]the dark ones display open hostility to me.I guess just being a fair skinned brahmin is enough to make them get  into paroxym of rage without verifying my actual attitude or views on them  .

It also makes me wonder whether my inherent lack of hatred or revulsion towards muslims and sc's is not seen as a virtue but a weakness to be exploited.if  i had  stuck to the herd i would have escaped .

My observation on Muslim neighbours and strangers sent to case me from 2014.

They cannot bear to see my bare skin exposed at my waist[ all avert thier faces, how very decent , pious and goody goody !] but will bore my sensitive skin in private parts gleefully with rf's and show thier pleasure openly on thier faces  after doing it!seeing is not ok but touching is ok?I have given them an apt name in 2012 itself --perverted peeping toms.

They will not converse with me face to face but do it indirectly by banging on ceiling or make clicking sounds within  my ears [mw] or make the defrost switch of fridge pop up as if they have cornered me into talking with them when i make mental notes .

I guess that they will not see me directly but with help of reflection on glass or mirrors in my house or will see only my back.Like that Allaudhin khilji who was salivitating over another man's wife --[a rajput king's queen padmini ,famed for her beauty]and gorged in her beauty by seeing it in the reflection of a pond . ofcourse i am now where near that queen's beauty or courage , as she jumped into jowar or fire when that Turkish invader defeated and killed  her husband and was eagerly waiting to claim her .

As per my personal movments Generally my class christians of long standing are subtly contemptous of our practises but not hostile.
And muslims of long standing will never speak about our religious practises or show contempt but will dominate and bully for selfish ends  if kindness and acceptance  is shown.

Few years back i scarcely thought of  muslims the way i am made to think now.My attitude was they are there we are there from centuries together so never found the need to  think of them as some new found species.
But my nasty personal experiences with them of late has made me start nit picking all thier faults as well and comparing and contrasting with  our social norms.
Though all in my flat in my generation are to my and public knowledge only with one spouse except the second generation .how did they get into this  obscene racket of teasing another man's wife and another man's mother without any compunction?Is it because they have no, limit on how many they can marry
and secondly their women are allowed to remarry .
It makes me conclude that they have no concept of chastity whilst  a Hindu man has that concept viz male chastity pretty deeply ingrained into them .generally a married woman is out of bounds for such sensual adventures to a Hindu.
i also found out that socially muslims are more sexually  free. Though covered from head to foot a woman can remarry or divorce and remarry !So not much emphasis on women  being tied only to one man unlike us.Yes we have a code that permits divorce etc but our religious and social conditioning since ages of a woman being tied to one man after a sacred marriage ceremony is a inhibiting factor to such a free sensual enjoyment which my counterpart though in burka will not have .Her religion and society permits it .In a way she would be practically more westernised than me or any of my westernised set.

Astrological reason for my predicament.

Yesterday[24.12.16] saw a lot of landings .Went to dance concert yesterday evening.Useless.More talk and less of dance.Night at bed my punishment different.Itching all over my body .It could be for my diary writing on 23,12,16 about take offs , the u-turn in this flight path  and pondering over need to come down so heavily on me after 2014 and wondering whether my role in Kudunkulam could be the reason , so it could be  true that i did play a role in us crazy fgn policy in ukraine and also made to write forcibily with micro waved suggestions  on fgn policy earlier  or blaming society to distract attention  and about partiality of monitors to protect wives of other community men wives in the neighborhood from my hub in this queer casing business whilst throwing me open to their hubs and sons and wolves and cynically concluded that it was all due to Shani's reign over me .Yes why not? There are hundreds of bloggers more 'communal' than me and hundreds of descendants from politicians , original freedom fighters  in public sphere . writing talking etc So why was i zeroed upon to do the dirty work for the politicians if not for Shani's doing ? And had written that before 2014 i was dead sure that sympathisers of terrorists .Pakistnani'sand naxals were given access to my house apart from others , may be due to political tie ups or just for appeasing a vote bank  and for checking their rivals. i am still sure that they were given free access, may be  through hidden camera.Don't know if they are still given .What is so fascinating about what i write in my diary or read or travel to ?Am i such a public preception genius or store house of novel ideas that i am stalked constantly to provoke  , micro waved often to jam my mind and also  vomit  in writing?If so Shani will not get off my shoulders in near future though i am hoping that it does.Only those who are so very fascinated with my writings/ideas  and also  obsessed with my body, thoughts can  give a reply.Switched on light and saw time --3.15am.Immediately heard a police van's horn.
Or the punishment could also be  for my earlier diary writing viz on which i mention about my realisation that my constant distraction towards Muslim. christians and conversion could be ruse to keep me off writing my view on public affairs and proceeded to write on demonetisation and the atheist like funeral of late cm J.  Jayalalitha .About demonetisation i wrote that if cash shortage continues even after dec 30th then pm has thrown a  blanket of insecurity on all of us and has  made us all  feel  the day to day insecurity  the poor do ,which even communists cannot achieve with  thier emphasis on poor and only poor.

I started  hoarding small change and quite wary of spending .what if there is no cash as the media keeps telling us/In a way the pleasure that comes out of spending money has been sort of taken away .Yes it could be for a better future of india but how long will one go on sacrifising simple pleasures of the present for it?Also wrote about childish behaviour of opposition[ which has good debators ],in parliament.and thier obssesive hatred and contempt for the pm which they show  in every session of par.                          now i am writing this bit--- why should i trouble myself to learn mobile transactions ?I am no longer youthful or exuberent or idealistic .why should i stand in bank like old old days to withdraw cash , heard that atms will be reduced .therefore will also  have to carry heavy cash whilst travelling?atms were so there enough net connectivity for this cashless dream to fructify? i like feel of lakshmi in my purse.

About late cm i wrote how she never fought shy of showing herself as a hindu by visiting temples and even took a dip in Mahamokkam - kumbha mela and her cadre and ministers  performed string of pujas and homams for her release from jail and recovery but the funeral was anti climax to her and her party image .it was like a funeral of a atheist , I was surprised when she went for dip etc as wasn't she from a atheist dravidian party and now again i was surprised that after dinning she and her party were not atheist they hurried through such  a simple and non religious  burial with explanation that cadres wanted it and it shocked me. not one mantra recited .wld she  a very religious hindu have liked this against cremation? As per media it is her party that decided to bury her  lest the marble work in mgr's memoriol be damaged [really! how did money become so suddenly short?]and i wondered how easily power passes on even as some one as powerful as J passes away .The moment a person dies it passes to next in command .Cold hard fact s of life. It is true to commoner as well as royalty.she had kept her cadres in tight grip .but seemed to be at their receiving end at her end .Could be karma for allowing conversion on me.
That talented  dancer but obviously a mouth piece  said  staring at me --'Don't you dare do this .i know what you think '.'
[Heard only take offs today ].So what  ?Am i thinking of how to make money in corrupt manner or thinking of sparking disturbances or scheming about bringing down democracy with guns, ieds and arson?
Probably i should think on those lines to be acceptable to my monitors and receive praises and relaxation of this constant rfid implanted micro waved control .

Who should be warned? me who is not encroaching into any ones body,life or property or those who are seeking blatant ownership over my body,thoughts and diary writing though they are in no way entitled to it?


I find it incongruos that we are feting our democracy at drop of  whilst bands of people  with guns in thier hands and ieds in thier backsacks are having free run for decades  in the heart of india .I mean the naxals .They may be in jungles out of sight but they are there and very much there with intent of overthrowing this young democracy.and state forces seem to  be unable to disband them or wipe out this incongruity.
if bleeding humanists who bleed only for naxals are hoping i would write in thier favour let me make it clear i donot find anything of robin hoodness in thier activities which has the intent of overthrwing this democracy .I am dead against their intent and their methods  to bring it about --violence, and having powerful sympathisers in media.
Let me make it clear lest my angst against the state sounds curiously like yours.Mine is personal and has nothing  to do with any of your ideals and your angsts. .So please keep off me.



King's duty---From Adi parva of Mahabharta

An ascetic tells his son ,
                                    If a king doesnot protect us we fare ill.We cannot perform our religious rites according to our desire .But protected by righteous sovereigns we attain immense merit and they are entitled to a share there of.
The king punishes offenders and fear of punishments leads to peace and people do their duties and perform their rites undisturbed.
The king protects sacrifises [yagas] from disturbance and sacrifices pleases gods.The gods cause rain and rain produces grains which is always useful to man .

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Effects of three main tortures i was forcibly & shadowily subject to

1. Loud sound torture  conducted on me in 2012 for a month and a half

It started to make me emote excessively over people i don't know and wouldn't have bothered or care about before 2012 .specially over their murder or killing as reported in papers or on tv.

2, Screwing my head painfully tight in a month long shadowy operation in 2014.

Advantage---Lost that excessive emoting over strangers and bleeding over their fate.

disadvantage--Lost my sense of identity.&confidence.Who am I what am and unable to savour or recollect  the experiences i have gone through. and derive my strength Good and bad experiences that have made me what i am or was till 2012.My convictions based on a life time of experiences and thier linking to, events before and after  , briefly put my belief in 'you reap  what you sow' and that there are plenty of indications to caution one ,was shaken.

Above two in personal life as far as public life is concerned i couldnt believe or digest the following

That any body would control or torture me thus in a free country like this in such a shadowy manner .i wouldn't have minded being  arrested openly by being put in a jail for whatever reason i was being tortured or even attacked directly.
Effect of squeezing out fluids  last september .

It exhausted me physically and mentally became too pliant and obedient to commands making me do drastic changes in my routine and life .This was when my convictions regarding you reap as you sow and linking of events was given a terrific blow with constant  aid of headaches and squeezing of my brain when i wrote or thought constantly censoring it  inducing fear that made me abandon musing , thinking and synthesising and kept getting commands that complimented only  faith.

With my courage returning my earlier convictions have also returned as i am very sure that those who have pepertrated such tortures on me without my interfering in thier privacy or property or life or harming them or beliefs will get it from karma .Do i make money out of some elses misery?Or am i making money out of filching someone elses ideas, endeavours and sweat?Do i gate crash into others houses, household and family so as to secure my power and position? No . Those who are doing all this to me and my family will reap the consequences  of the bad and evil  deeds .Those consequences could be 10 fold of what i was made and am still being made to suffer .One day or the other they will be subject to  karma and it will be in this lifetime itself. Of that i am very sure. They will suffer much humiliations i am made to suffer for making me feel that my mental conversations are with my husband is actually with my neighbour of another community living right above our flat as also with any persons belonging to his community in my vicinityand for stealinga nice ,honest incorupible man of ordinary means wife right under his nose and keeping her as a slave to write and react as per will[by implant of chip ,mmc etc]and for making that upper floor neighbours [a man of another community]image flit in my forhead when i am paying my obseince before the deity in the inner sanctum of Vishnu templesand also for deliberately drawing atentuion to my private parts specially when i meditate in my house by pricking my pvt parts  deliberately in no touch manner but annoying and disgusting and even making me touch or press my pvt parts when i am lost in the grandeur of  Srinivasar in that highly guarded temple at Tirumala [all is this is since 2014 and never before]making me draw attention to my body even in such holy percinicts and spoil my much cherished spirituality by filling me with anger at such deliberate spitefully revengeful acts and making me come  out of the temple without  good , nice and satiated feelings ,

Though screwing of my brain had stopped in 2014 itself and so did that excessive discharge of fluids its effects couple with sound effects continues to keep me in a country bumpkin state  .haven't visited library, nor read articles in net nor visited temples.But full of physical vigour like a chithaal--labourer , no more intellectual trips nor do i  find awe in creators hands in nature .

What would have happened to me if all the three was extended to few more weeks on me?
Sound blasting---I would have had a nervous break down and collapsed and would have been hospitalised.I maynot  have recovered  and if alive  would have become a blabbering idiot  for life
This is the worst torture of all tortures i was and am subject to .

Screwing or shrinking---Would have  felt too acute a discomfort to live with .The extraordinary tightening of skin would have suffocated me.I still feel pain in artery of my neck on and off.a constriction akin to suffocation .

Squeezing out fluids -- would have led to acute dehydration and therefore hospitalisation .Where from is the liquid being squeezed out ? it is still being done on and off even after removal of my uterus?Inner skin or kidneys?If this + frequent engineered trips to loo it continues it will affect my bladder and kidneys .good news for those wanting to get rid of me i will not put my family in financial straits by going in for costly surgeries but will opt for ethansia if it results in  a life threatening situation 

in conclusion on one hand i am expected to write by triggering it with provocative sounds even atap on ceiling is now intolerable to me and on other i am punished or distracted from writing.Both done by combination of sounds +micro waves ,
Are these two different persons or authorities or are they one and the same?
Exploit smother and again exploit and smother --a vicious circle going on since 2012

Further musings on Auditory masking

Today 11.12.16--Sunday didn't hear or see take off's of planes till now viz--5.20 pm but did see one or two planes landing , from my window in the morning.
As i went for a morning walk the streets empty as it is usually on sunday's pondered over using planes and vehicles in my auditory life for past nearly 4 year tho i wasn't aware of this from 2012--14 but do remember the sudden burst of twowheeler traffic in my normally traficcless street or when i was walking .i did find that unsual but couldn't place it  .when a plane passed it was a normal thing in the city where i live  so never paid attention to it.

During floods i was made to write with help of boys clapping from the open space with addition of anxious chatter of neighbours on and of, though planes and two wheelers were off for that whole period.
so what is the role of planes and vehicles in normal times why not make boys clap etc or play loudly and make me think and write on and on ?
I have observed that this spurt of vehicles do provoke me.They are used nearly every day whether i am walking or in my house .Reason to divert traffic from main road so as to take our street just before those flights is much easier than collecting crowd of boys and make them clap or shoot a film song with a lot of noise ,on a regular daily basis.
It is also easy to make vendors of  this area delivering water , milk newspapers making rounds in noisy two wheelers to take my road or cars not in use to vibrate along my road ,This explains why i constantly see only such vendors and drivers in my walks.

Today boys were playing and it jarred my ears disallowing me to take my after noon nap in my bed room and it trigerred thoughts on the latest topic' Cash crunch'.like i said no take offs today does that explain my sudden analysis of this topic and even wanting to blog it?Was i sucessfully kept off such a analysis by over head flights and constant trips to loo?

if so it is amusing.oppositions will oppose if i write or not catching hold of anything.

ok topic is about myself and not politics or public affairs and my famed grasping of the underlying currents .

These experts who can keep on chiselling of my minds sensory observations into long long blogs as long as  Hanuman's tail  know that my writings will pour out with ease when there is some tragedy personal life or in public affairs that is disturbing me  .
Who are these experts making a killing out of killings /death /calamity that disturb me?Surely they are from my flat .
Under whose orders are they constantly knocking out writings from my' noise battered brain'.This is not specific to this state alone it also happened in another state  Karnataka/Bangalore .flights and noises specially kids  playing + induced headaches.
Under whose orders planes flights are changed at will and vehicular traffic is diverted is any body's guess.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Noise pollution and Auditory masking .

i returned from Bangalore 0n 22 nov and settled back into my usual routine after a bout of hectic social activities.I  observed that i was hearing take offs right over my head and not seeing any landing .Parliament is in session .Have the flights paths been changed?is it to do with me and my writing and blogging?                                                                                                                                             I went to beach to work out my excess weight , twice in past two weeks ,Observed  the early morning  sun winking in flakes of reddish gold over the waves that took shape of a lost one greeting me and and also taking leave heart wrenchingly too soon, also saw a fisherman catch a small squid from near the beach  with a small crowd gathered around it watching it curiously as it  gasped for water and life and also observed that there were no landings of plane from across the bay of Bengal but  only take offs .

There is little or no information on the net about auditory masking.A sketchy one saying that this is not to do with materials or vastu to lower noise and sound  but it is using of sound and noises to enhance the effect of another  noise.and the information that it is banned by WHO.

Maybe if i start haunting libraries in the manner in which i did 37 years ago to gather knowledge and information hoping that it would see me through ias exams , i might get some information on this subject.To scour and tour libraries is too stupendous a job for me now so i ll write down my observations as i am 100% sure that i am a victim of auditory masking technique .Some of my personal observations could be technically correct , so why not impart it on net?
The fact that there is absolutely no information on this aspect of human control on net shows what atightly kept secret this technique is where as information about other form of human control abound like human implants to control movments etc,  though pretty sketchy  on  rfid implants  in tooth that asks for analysis as is happening to me day and night, but plenty of info on  on micro wave mind and body control , brain washing and so on.
If WHO a world body concerned with health has banned it then it should be to do with health probably mental health.
I am referring to mental health coz i as a person was suffering from depression and anxiety owing to my grief and had gone into a cocoon hoping to shield myself from  unpalatable surprises that life could throw up .Loud.Sounds of high decibel were overhead was used  nearly for a month to break into my reserve .When it finally did , that is break into me it left me a tangle of raw nerves ,pliant, fearful of slightest noise and there fore abjectly obedient in 2012 .
It also led to loss of control over my self and in isolating me from my emotional secutiry viz my family .Depression and anxiety and my cocoon like reserve didnot isolate me from my family but it was these crashing sounds i felt like thunder falling on my head which did.
Dont know as to how it was done.Was it done within my forehead , scalp with micro waves or was it done with amplyifying sounds from  ceiling  which is the floor of upper floor flat which is exactly like my flat  after navigating me with gps or rfid implanted within me in a' root canal surgery'few months prior?
What ever it was terrific booming sound like 100's thunder claps over my head.A relentless sound heard only in the day which seemed to crack my skull and also climb up my body whenever i relaxed in sava asana in noons and climbing it up steadily from feet upwards in inch by inch every day till it one day reached my chest and then stopped. This morning sound torture used to stop when i did my morning puja and then again resume .My son on leave and between jobs was working on his computer in his room but didn't hear any of these sounds .Nor did my husband on his return from a temple tour .So it was specific to me.
This head bursting explosions is not a sleep disorder as it happened in day time when i was walking up and down my flat as i did my house was done deliberately on me.
It was stopped when i thought just one more sound blow will finish me off and leave me writhing helplessly in a seizure and i will never be able to get up.Why?why was i left off instead of going for the kill?Either i was strong or intention was to finish me only 3/4 ths and have me eating out of hands .Same pattern in my month long screwing of my brain in 2014 when i slept or napped waking me  with some current from above maybe tms .it had made a skin of my face a tight mask , sleepless torturous nights and few more jabs i would have become a robot , but again let off.Similarily with squeezing out fluids out of me for more than a fortnight continuosly day and night  when i thought that some more fluid out of me and i will flop down , but the rate of  sqeezing out was lessened .

Maichaivellis advise to kings in his book Prince comes to my mind 'Never leave your enemy live once you decided to finish him off as he may come back to trouble you'.  So true here i am spilling it all.

ok back to auditory masking
After sound blasting my brain and body in 2012 on recovering from that raw state , started to write pages upon pages on public affairs, society , myself,brief poetic descriptions of nature and my, humorous brushes with neighbours of this flat and dropped my serious enquiry into Hinduism  and its sharing  on the net .I was also induced to write on foreign affairs , society etc.

When i was thus complying to orders /requests i could hear within me due i guess now due to mmc or rfid and writing on such subjects i had no clue or just didn't understand mmc 's effects and that i was obeying due to having been broken by sound and using of auditory masking.

I remember how our neighbourhood marked by chatter of women and screams of children playing had suddenly gone silent and observed sudden burst of vehicular  traffic on our normally empty streets.Same spurt of traffic would be seen in the inner streets i went for walks.This vehicular traffic in such empty streets went up after 2014 ge.And i kept on writing this and that .Now when i think of it i am sure that Sounds used in a deliberate manner was a trigger to my raw nerves to make me write.I used to think that i was writing on and on due to lacing of my food stuff with truth serum or blowing the truth serum in gaseous form whilst i slept.

it was in 2015 when i re-summoned my courage to start leading a normal life like before 2012and not like  a prisoner under constant watch and started to browse the net after a gap of year that i came upon the article on auditory masking .To summon that courage i had to push myself to the limit of my endurance ,First to go through two  cataract surgeries which i was quite reluctant to undergo but underwent as some nasty tricks were played on me through those specs so went through it so  as to get rid of having to wear specs and second a painful uterus surgery hoping to stop fluid flow and prevent cancer.

.Two futile exercises as neither nastying nor pricking and squeezing out fluids from my sensitive skin has been wiped out or done away with. and i remember that people cookers com victim had written .'these guys can give you heart attacks [ tho i wasn't given my husband was given in 2012],try to show you as a  loony or make you feel and act  like a loony[like done to me with noises]and make you undergo wasteful surgeries or make you take pshyco drugs which would be of no avail .How true.

The info was sketchy but a i got a  very important clue It says sounds are used not to mask other sounds but to enhance the effect of the original sound and that it is effective just before or at the time of the original sound
So what sound was being enhanced in my case?i was sure that sounds and noises were being used systematically to provoke me to anger or write .so what was the original sound?I tied it to planes landing and taking off .
Why did i do so?I read in people cookers com that  scooters and vehicles noise or pattern of driving are used by people cookers to condition and control mind, body and behaviour .So i started to observe vehicular movts down below on the street  from my  bed room window so as to find out its effects on me , my body .It was from this window that i observed that there would be a sudden spurt of noisy vehicular movments or loud talking or metallic screechings like a electric saw [this  sound has been used on me till my nerves cracked pushing me to the limit of my endurance quite often before 2014,it is  a very cruel form of torture, one of the worst]happened in full scale minutes before a plane appeared on the sky in east as it prepared to land in the airport 8 kms away down south.
I also observed that they were a lot of landings visible from my window specially from 5 am -12 noon But the planes sounds could hardly be heard they were quite silent as they glided down .Were  these planes sounds  being enhanced ?
So went up to terrace early in morning to hear more clearly.All the planes appeared from east probably crossing the bay of bengal which is just 5 kms away   .Not a squeak could be heard until they slanted towards south on the back side of my flats .The boom could be heard only when they turned or moved towards south.the sounds of only larger and those near could be heard and not the rest.This sound could be heard in my bedroom or toilet when neighbourhood was silent, therefore only early in morning..So the spurt of vehicles were enhancing its evenings i observed that there were only take offs in west, whose sound though inaudible in my flat was very audible in the terrace.Again observed series of sound enhancers before such take offs from street below and from my flats .Ambulance screeching , vendors selling goods with a micro phone, neighbours talking boisterously and two wheelers whizzing by.
So i deduced that sound of planes, the most noisiest polluter next to vehicles was being specifically enhanced viz auditory masking was done to extract the desired results from me .Ok why should such a feeble sounds of planes above my flat is being used ,why not just vehicles down below?Is it to systematise the process or does a plane 's boom has anerve wracking effect on sensitive eras like mine. Apart from sound blasting that made me sensitive to sounds I remember that in 2014 june i heard a plop in my left ear as i was blogging and there after heard sound richochet for a month within my ears

.Maybe by this blocking my left ear my right ear has become extra sensitive to sounds.whilst my tolerance to sounds was whittled away in 2012 it was after this plop that my intolerance to sounds coming from my back or on my right has quadrapled .Sudden sounds near my  right ear  can give me a mental shake and also make me dizzy and light and make me fall or trip or lose my balance.

It was after 2012 sound operation done on me forcibly and in hidden manner that i became quite intolerant or extra sensitive to sounds from tv, knocking of gas cylinder ,to the sound of playing cricket by boys in next flat and my tolerance  level to ordinary day to day sounds and noises was breached after 2014.Before 2012 all these sounds were like a tonic to me as they were sounds that reassured me of life around me, they were  a raft of normalcy in one rudely shaken out of it when confronted with a  indigestible reality -death .it irritated only when huge loudspeakers were used right near
 my window  during a temple festival nearby to beam devotional songs in full volume . the impact of this  sound was so terrific that my window panes used to rattle .other wise the cranking hand pumps even late at night , or neighbours talking or the sound of lift or motor were sounds that  hardly rattled me the way it started after 2012.

ok what did this auditory masking do to me after 2012 and before 2014 ? it provoked my anger and i let it off in writing or at times confronting persons face to face --neighbours  of my flat whom i suspected to have hand in this  .
Now after 2014 what it does is that it blanks out my mind .it is like as if a curtain has been drawn between my forehead  and my inner self.I can never get into the depth of my being and my thoughts can be easily skimmed off with proper gadjets .Landing + vehicles sound does the above because some one is deliberately blocking my mind as it is during landing with its sound enhancement that my emotions are stirred and i can write some thing creatively mostly spiritual and religious.Landings were in morning till 12 noon till i noticed on  22 nov that there were no more landings .
What does sound of plane flying overhead do to me?It gives me a urgent need to visit the loo.Cuases
loss of short term memory , forgetting what i had intended to do a few minutes proir to the take off when enhancing sounds start and  when its sound actually reaches me.It also makes me very active  in fact over active .

Is the sound of plane necessary for controlling a person .? During floods last year 2015 airport was shut down for four days .our street was like a river  and all vehicles were floating on it .No plane above or vehicular traffic below yet i wrote on and on about floods .the trigger was two things --loud talking of neighbours in a excited and anxious manner on and off in my passage.2.Boys and young men were made to climb on top of truck submerged in water in the open space in front and made to clap periodically.some one wanted to extract some thing out of me probably wanting relief  from centre and all  and they were provoking me to write.Maybe a head ache or two was also given to me to make me write and orders flitted across my forehead subtly without me being aware of it ..These some one are my neighbours since long and logically any one can work out who they must be working for.

so even if there is no plane or vehicles other sounds are used to get the desired result.

so why is plane and vehicles being used around me in a very deliberate  and systematic manner.i can be made to write even without them as was shown during floods .that means do these sounds have a more sinister purpose?Are they any way connected to the teasing of my private parts ?Do these sounds do it automatically after conditioning a person to such effects as could have been done on me in september 2014?It is only  in that month when i kept hearing motor bikes whizzing by nearly every 5mts from my compound and also in the street and i was receiving mental messages to convert and i started  discharging abnormal fluids that i started to leak etc .i also observed flights going overhead ,Till 2014 september i didn't feel this urge to  leak urgently nor discharge abnormal fluids  so continuosly .

ALL along i was thinking that it is only gadjets or rf's  that are used in teasing my sensitive skin now when i have observed the pre eminent position flights of planes occupy in my daily routine and that vehicles burst forth before or at that very time when i walk in street or sit in my house an un believable  suspicion arises  in me maybe, just maybe this auditory enhancing has something to do with causing rumblings , tinglings, painful contracting of my arterial nerve in my neck and itching in my body, triggering urge to visit loo  and maybe even squeezing out fluids from sensitive skin without any one using any gadjet what soever or it enhances the effect of rf,s, micro waves  .

Auditory masking is sinister way of controlling a persons body and mind .It cannot be fought against .i tried facing the source of sound of plane and two wheelers to try and overcome its effects .even a tiny jerk of the head moving the plane of the ears can undo the attempts to overcome it .since my bodily movments specially my face is controlled either with implant or  constant messaging  a messaging that  i could never have distingushed it as distinct from my thoughts if not for september 2014 conversion attempts  will make me shuift or jerk my head to the very source of the sound. So i dropped the latest experiment to take control over myself by constantly facing the source of sounds as there are simply too many take offs and too many vehicles.

So a targetted person has no choice but to comply .My husband is also under control but he doesn't know it his activities are all centred around flights.If not for september de liquidifiaction and the voices asking me to convert  i heard  in my mind  i  would  have been ignorant of all this .It makes me wonder as to for how many years previously was i receiving such micro wave messages/orders/ suggestions which i would have taken to be as my ordinary thought process , intution and inspiration.

It also makes me wonder whether all this has come about due to my blogging or was it even earlier and something to do with politics and religion.we live near a highly politisiced area and in this constituency muslims are in majority.If so this further leads me to the suspicion maybe there was some mystery in my late son's sudden detoriotion of mental health and his taking a uncharecteristic plunge.If there is truth behind this it could also explain the interest a flock of crows [ they are suppose represent rights up north]are shown to be interested in us.If so he may have got a iconic status as he has enabled his mother to make public this truth through the blog he himself created .A status which would not be liked by the other side and who may continue to show thier ire at me whether i blog or not or write or not.

If what i have written about auditory masking the main object of  this blog is even 50 % correct i am sure it would help those targetted persons who are aware of being in some sort of receiving end but cannot put thier finger into it ,this blog can help them unravel the mystery of the  normalcy in their life  going for a toss.

written on 29.11.16

Note --Till today viz 9.12.16.when i have completed this blog i didnt see a single landing from my bed room in the morning or at night . Am hearing and seeing only take offs over my flat going north wards or est wards  from early morning till late at night from 22 nov 16 the time i started to take note of this change in flights .

Centre's achievments

Two achievments of the present govt at centre according to me is--

1. Getting UN to declare  a day in a year as Yoga day.

2.Since this govt has taken over  there hasn't been a single bomb blast in markets or malls or stations  by terrorists across the country thus making civilians life safe .This according to me is its best achievment so far.
