i returned from Bangalore 0n 22 nov and settled back into my usual routine after a bout of hectic social activities.I observed that i was hearing take offs right over my head and not seeing any landing .Parliament is in session .Have the flights paths been changed?is it to do with me and my writing and blogging? I went to beach to work out my excess weight , twice in past two weeks ,Observed the early morning sun winking in flakes of reddish gold over the waves that took shape of a lost one greeting me and and also taking leave heart wrenchingly too soon, also saw a fisherman catch a small squid from near the beach with a small crowd gathered around it watching it curiously as it gasped for water and life and also observed that there were no landings of plane from across the bay of Bengal but only take offs .
There is little or no information on the net about auditory masking.A sketchy one saying that this is not to do with materials or vastu to lower noise and sound but it is using of sound and noises to enhance the effect of another noise.and the information that it is banned by WHO.
Maybe if i start haunting libraries in the manner in which i did 37 years ago to gather knowledge and information hoping that it would see me through ias exams , i might get some information on this subject.To scour and tour libraries is too stupendous a job for me now so i ll write down my observations as i am 100% sure that i am a victim of auditory masking technique .Some of my personal observations could be technically correct , so why not impart it on net?
The fact that there is absolutely no information on this aspect of human control on net shows what atightly kept secret this technique is where as information about other form of human control abound like human implants to control movments etc, though pretty sketchy on rfid implants in tooth that asks for analysis as is happening to me day and night, but plenty of info on on micro wave mind and body control , brain washing and so on.
If WHO a world body concerned with health has banned it then it should be to do with health probably mental health.
I am referring to mental health coz i as a person was suffering from depression and anxiety owing to my grief and had gone into a cocoon hoping to shield myself from unpalatable surprises that life could throw up .Loud.Sounds of high decibel were overhead was used nearly for a month to break into my reserve .When it finally did , that is break into me it left me a tangle of raw nerves ,pliant, fearful of slightest noise and there fore abjectly obedient in 2012 .
It also led to loss of control over my self and in isolating me from my emotional secutiry viz my family .Depression and anxiety and my cocoon like reserve didnot isolate me from my family but it was these crashing sounds i felt like thunder falling on my head which did.
Dont know as to how it was done.Was it done within my forehead , scalp with micro waves or was it done with amplyifying sounds from ceiling which is the floor of upper floor flat which is exactly like my flat after navigating me with gps or rfid implanted within me in a' root canal surgery'few months prior?
What ever it was terrific booming sound like 100's thunder claps over my head.A relentless sound heard only in the day which seemed to crack my skull and also climb up my body whenever i relaxed in sava asana in noons and climbing it up steadily from feet upwards in inch by inch every day till it one day reached my chest and then stopped. This morning sound torture used to stop when i did my morning puja and then again resume .My son on leave and between jobs was working on his computer in his room but didn't hear any of these sounds .Nor did my husband on his return from a temple tour .So it was specific to me.
This head bursting explosions is not a sleep disorder as it happened in day time when i was walking up and down my flat as i did my house work.it was done deliberately on me.
It was stopped when i thought just one more sound blow will finish me off and leave me writhing helplessly in a seizure and i will never be able to get up.Why?why was i left off instead of going for the kill?Either i was strong or intention was to finish me only 3/4 ths and have me eating out of hands .Same pattern in my month long screwing of my brain in 2014 when i slept or napped waking me with some current from above maybe tms .it had made a skin of my face a tight mask , sleepless torturous nights and few more jabs i would have become a robot , but again let off.Similarily with squeezing out fluids out of me for more than a fortnight continuosly day and night when i thought that some more fluid out of me and i will flop down , but the rate of sqeezing out was lessened .
Maichaivellis advise to kings in his book Prince comes to my mind 'Never leave your enemy live once you decided to finish him off as he may come back to trouble you'. So true here i am spilling it all.
ok back to auditory masking
After sound blasting my brain and body in 2012 on recovering from that raw state , started to write pages upon pages on public affairs, society , myself,brief poetic descriptions of nature and my, humorous brushes with neighbours of this flat and dropped my serious enquiry into Hinduism and its sharing on the net .I was also induced to write on foreign affairs , society etc.
When i was thus complying to orders /requests i could hear within me due i guess now due to mmc or rfid and writing on such subjects i had no clue or just didn't understand mmc 's effects and that i was obeying due to having been broken by sound and using of auditory masking.
I remember how our neighbourhood marked by chatter of women and screams of children playing had suddenly gone silent and observed sudden burst of vehicular traffic on our normally empty streets.Same spurt of traffic would be seen in the inner streets i went for walks.This vehicular traffic in such empty streets went up after 2014 ge.And i kept on writing this and that .Now when i think of it i am sure that Sounds used in a deliberate manner was a trigger to my raw nerves to make me write.I used to think that i was writing on and on due to lacing of my food stuff with truth serum or blowing the truth serum in gaseous form whilst i slept.
it was in 2015 when i re-summoned my courage to start leading a normal life like before 2012and not like a prisoner under constant watch and started to browse the net after a gap of year that i came upon the article on auditory masking .To summon that courage i had to push myself to the limit of my endurance ,First to go through two cataract surgeries which i was quite reluctant to undergo but underwent as some nasty tricks were played on me through those specs so went through it so as to get rid of having to wear specs and second a painful uterus surgery hoping to stop fluid flow and prevent cancer.
.Two futile exercises as neither nastying nor pricking and squeezing out fluids from my sensitive skin has been wiped out or done away with. and i remember that people cookers com victim had written .'these guys can give you heart attacks [ tho i wasn't given my husband was given in 2012],try to show you as a loony or make you feel and act like a loony[like done to me with noises]and make you undergo wasteful surgeries or make you take pshyco drugs which would be of no avail .How true.
The info was sketchy but a i got a very important clue It says sounds are used not to mask other sounds but to enhance the effect of the original sound and that it is effective just before or at the time of the original sound
So what sound was being enhanced in my case?i was sure that sounds and noises were being used systematically to provoke me to anger or write .so what was the original sound?I tied it to planes landing and taking off .
Why did i do so?I read in people cookers com that scooters and vehicles noise or pattern of driving are used by people cookers to condition and control mind, body and behaviour .So i started to observe vehicular movts down below on the street from my bed room window so as to find out its effects on me , my body .It was from this window that i observed that there would be a sudden spurt of noisy vehicular movments or loud talking or metallic screechings like a electric saw [this sound has been used on me till my nerves cracked pushing me to the limit of my endurance quite often before 2014,it is a very cruel form of torture, one of the worst]happened in full scale minutes before a plane appeared on the sky in east as it prepared to land in the airport 8 kms away down south.
I also observed that they were a lot of landings visible from my window specially from 5 am -12 noon But the planes sounds could hardly be heard they were quite silent as they glided down .Were these planes sounds being enhanced ?
So went up to terrace early in morning to hear more clearly.All the planes appeared from east probably crossing the bay of bengal which is just 5 kms away .Not a squeak could be heard until they slanted towards south on the back side of my flats .The boom could be heard only when they turned or moved towards south.the sounds of only larger and those near could be heard and not the rest.This sound could be heard in my bedroom or toilet when neighbourhood was silent, therefore only early in morning..So the spurt of vehicles were enhancing its effect.at evenings i observed that there were only take offs in west, whose sound though inaudible in my flat was very audible in the terrace.Again observed series of sound enhancers before such take offs from street below and from my flats .Ambulance screeching , vendors selling goods with a micro phone, neighbours talking boisterously and two wheelers whizzing by.
So i deduced that sound of planes, the most noisiest polluter next to vehicles was being specifically enhanced viz auditory masking was done to extract the desired results from me .Ok why should such a feeble sounds of planes above my flat is being used ,why not just vehicles down below?Is it to systematise the process or does a plane 's boom has anerve wracking effect on sensitive eras like mine. Apart from sound blasting that made me sensitive to sounds I remember that in 2014 june i heard a plop in my left ear as i was blogging and there after heard sound richochet for a month within my ears
.Maybe by this blocking my left ear my right ear has become extra sensitive to sounds.whilst my tolerance to sounds was whittled away in 2012 it was after this plop that my intolerance to sounds coming from my back or on my right has quadrapled .Sudden sounds near my right ear can give me a mental shake and also make me dizzy and light and make me fall or trip or lose my balance.
It was after 2012 sound operation done on me forcibly and in hidden manner that i became quite intolerant or extra sensitive to sounds from tv, knocking of gas cylinder ,to the sound of playing cricket by boys in next flat and my tolerance level to ordinary day to day sounds and noises was breached after 2014.Before 2012 all these sounds were like a tonic to me as they were sounds that reassured me of life around me, they were a raft of normalcy in one rudely shaken out of it when confronted with a indigestible reality -death .it irritated only when huge loudspeakers were used right near
my window during a temple festival nearby to beam devotional songs in full volume . the impact of this sound was so terrific that my window panes used to rattle .other wise the cranking hand pumps even late at night , or neighbours talking or the sound of lift or motor were sounds that hardly rattled me the way it started after 2012.
ok what did this auditory masking do to me after 2012 and before 2014 ? it provoked my anger and i let it off in writing or at times confronting persons face to face --neighbours of my flat whom i suspected to have hand in this .
Now after 2014 what it does is that it blanks out my mind .it is like as if a curtain has been drawn between my forehead and my inner self.I can never get into the depth of my being and my thoughts can be easily skimmed off with proper gadjets .Landing + vehicles sound does the above because some one is deliberately blocking my mind as it is during landing with its sound enhancement that my emotions are stirred and i can write some thing creatively mostly spiritual and religious.Landings were in morning till 12 noon till i noticed on 22 nov that there were no more landings .
What does sound of plane flying overhead do to me?It gives me a urgent need to visit the loo.Cuases
loss of short term memory , forgetting what i had intended to do a few minutes proir to the take off when enhancing sounds start and when its sound actually reaches me.It also makes me very active in fact over active .
Is the sound of plane necessary for controlling a person .? During floods last year 2015 airport was shut down for four days .our street was like a river and all vehicles were floating on it .No plane above or vehicular traffic below yet i wrote on and on about floods .the trigger was two things --loud talking of neighbours in a excited and anxious manner on and off in my passage.2.Boys and young men were made to climb on top of truck submerged in water in the open space in front and made to clap periodically.some one wanted to extract some thing out of me probably wanting relief from centre and all and they were provoking me to write.Maybe a head ache or two was also given to me to make me write and orders flitted across my forehead subtly without me being aware of it ..These some one are my neighbours since long and logically any one can work out who they must be working for.
so even if there is no plane or vehicles other sounds are used to get the desired result.
so why is plane and vehicles being used around me in a very deliberate and systematic manner.i can be made to write even without them as was shown during floods .that means do these sounds have a more sinister purpose?Are they any way connected to the teasing of my private parts ?Do these sounds do it automatically after conditioning a person to such effects as could have been done on me in september 2014?It is only in that month when i kept hearing motor bikes whizzing by nearly every 5mts from my compound and also in the street and i was receiving mental messages to convert and i started discharging abnormal fluids that i started to leak etc .i also observed flights going overhead ,Till 2014 september i didn't feel this urge to leak urgently nor discharge abnormal fluids so continuosly .
ALL along i was thinking that it is only gadjets or rf's that are used in teasing my sensitive skin now when i have observed the pre eminent position flights of planes occupy in my daily routine and that vehicles burst forth before or at that very time when i walk in street or sit in my house an un believable suspicion arises in me maybe, just maybe this auditory enhancing has something to do with causing rumblings , tinglings, painful contracting of my arterial nerve in my neck and itching in my body, triggering urge to visit loo and maybe even squeezing out fluids from sensitive skin without any one using any gadjet what soever or it enhances the effect of rf,s, micro waves .
Auditory masking is sinister way of controlling a persons body and mind .It cannot be fought against .i tried facing the source of sound of plane and two wheelers to try and overcome its effects .even a tiny jerk of the head moving the plane of the ears can undo the attempts to overcome it .since my bodily movments specially my face is controlled either with implant or constant messaging a messaging that i could never have distingushed it as distinct from my thoughts if not for september 2014 conversion attempts will make me shuift or jerk my head to the very source of the sound. So i dropped the latest experiment to take control over myself by constantly facing the source of sounds as there are simply too many take offs and too many vehicles.
So a targetted person has no choice but to comply .My husband is also under control but he doesn't know it his activities are all centred around flights.If not for september de liquidifiaction and the voices asking me to convert i heard in my mind i would have been ignorant of all this .It makes me wonder as to for how many years previously was i receiving such micro wave messages/orders/ suggestions which i would have taken to be as my ordinary thought process , intution and inspiration.
It also makes me wonder whether all this has come about due to my blogging or was it even earlier and something to do with politics and religion.we live near a highly politisiced area and in this constituency muslims are in majority.If so this further leads me to the suspicion maybe there was some mystery in my late son's sudden detoriotion of mental health and his taking a uncharecteristic plunge.If there is truth behind this it could also explain the interest a flock of crows [ they are suppose represent rights up north]are shown to be interested in us.If so he may have got a iconic status as he has enabled his mother to make public this truth through the blog he himself created .A status which would not be liked by the other side and who may continue to show thier ire at me whether i blog or not or write or not.
If what i have written about auditory masking the main object of this blog is even 50 % correct i am sure it would help those targetted persons who are aware of being in some sort of receiving end but cannot put thier finger into it ,this blog can help them unravel the mystery of the normalcy in their life going for a toss.
written on 29.11.16
Note --Till today viz 9.12.16.when i have completed this blog i didnt see a single landing from my bed room in the morning or at night . Am hearing and seeing only take offs over my flat going north wards or est wards from early morning till late at night from 22 nov 16 the time i started to take note of this change in flights .