Monday, April 21, 2014

Reaction to an article on net.

Read Sandeep . b, a fanatic fan of modi on net about Sonia.g's sudden appearance on TV. a few days back .His vehemence took my breath away.His grouses a long list , the usual and her inability to take criticisms.
His taking a very strong exception to SG 's appearance on TV reminded me of the way he castigated her few years back for sending 3 cabinet ministers of 3 different faiths to Gujarat before  its assembly elections  no sooner did i blog some crazy stuff about Amar, Akbar and Antony .

This time to when i wrote about BJP' s supportive  role in Andaman triangle in a note book on 14.4.14 she instantly appeared on TV in the evening  within a short period of my writing,looking teary .I found the connection  and so did sandeep as well as all those sharp political minds between my homilies and Sg' reactions
On the face of it he is objecting to her hinting darkly at the communal forces that are going to overrun India which according to him she could have best thundered in a rally as against in a tv ,which  has far more reach.

Is he upset that she spoilt bjp/modis' image ? Yes.

I think that he is also upset at her reaction to my blog and now my writings in my house in a note book.

To any one even to me her appearance on TV is her party's affairs and well within her right to do so.

But to him it is upsetting because by reacting vehemently to an ordinary blogger she is conferring undue importance and recognition on me [which she already has ]and world will definitely look at my writings with very keen interest if she reacts to them.

He /bjp clearly donot like this .Frankly neither do i.This uncalled for obsession with me has made a mess out of my life .It has only caused misery and no joy or elevation either spiritually or materially.

Further it would also mean that she is admitting her role/guilt in the triangle in which she put self above nation as well as making a major opposition party to participate in  it by making them--bjp delay the release of the election manifesto.The question he is raising is would any major political party  in the world which is in cusp of victory be thus accomodative, foregoing its image  and prestige for the sake of leader of a rival political party?? To me it is a shameful that bjp bent thus.But probably he is saying Madame show some gratitude.

He is also saying madame behave like suave politician and not like a vindictive ,querulous and guilt ridden house wife.
Further ,Madame because of your inexplicable obssesion /aversion/revulsion to this useless, lethargic, pigheaded woman-me  --a non entity you have already brought worlds attention on her .'Now don't go spilling the beans and give the game away and spoil the image of my hero modi and the party he leads'.
She did.By her immediate appearance ,confirming the role of bjp in that sordid affair.

The conclusion i have derived is---Sandeep .b whom i always liked and admired for his straight forwardness and courage [though i didn't always agree with his views] could give a damn to my gross exploitation and is closing ranks with the cosy club of journos' and politicians  which he actually indicated to me in person  in that book launch of his by feigning total ignorance of my presence in the net  .

written on  --18.4.14 6.45 pm


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