Thursday, January 16, 2014

Public preceptions as against media hype,profiling and tweaking.

I am always wiser after the event and i feel completely short changed for being so mercilessly used by politico's in the run up to the general elections.
Now i know why all those bloggers--bjp-- in the book launch ,who were  very much aware of my net presence feigned blatant ignorance that naturally aroused my suspicion [even a casual acknowledgement would have sufficed to keep me blissfully ignorant to all that is going around me for some more months],to keep me in this suspended state so as to be of use to all politico's for my much valued public preception and colluded in projecting me as the object of compulsive fascination of some high commanding politician.

1. In ak case my very first indifferent reaction to his forming a govt with help of Cong meant that i as a  public did not approve of him forming a govt with help of a party the media  and  he had exposed to public as seeped in corruption .by my long diary writing i even gave that party  the method to seek validation for their desire to  form a govt --by hoodwinking public with their sms referendum when i wrote 'whether they wanted a child or not and if so how they wanted was their problem' .the rest f. foundation etc were all later not public perception

2.In the run up to the clamour for rg  to be declared as pm candidate stirred by the media my long treatise on dev episode and earlier diary writing on sg and rg  had this --it is Cong's affair--which meant that he simply doesn't have it in him to lead the Cong out of the morass it finds itself or to shoulder the responsibilities of a full time pm.   So the discerning one's found this out from my long ramblings and even used my diary on long standing practise of mine  in the annual kannu ritual --on jan 14 --to justify their stand of not letting go off the long standing practises.

How very masochistic of me or a puppet of me to even give the escape routes to politicos using me.This is because i am totally under communist type of control and subjected to constant brain washing.This evidence less, mind and environment control can be understood or withstood by very few.

3.Now before all power hungry  politicos start baying for my latest perception on latest news regarding the elections here it is --I found the 100 signature  to secure a ticket to LS mooted and followed by aap a very attractive proposition to those wanting to try their luck in the polls without the hassles of tortuous climbing up the party ladder or money power or sycophancy.It empowers the ordinary citizen.

after thought is that it is trick a con to make a quick  buck ie reaping in the polls.sheer luck for aap.

I suppose tapping into my public perceptions is going on for several years as also the attempts to tweak it without me actually being aware of it only it came out as, pain in the knees, tooth aches, headaches etc in 2011, .And it has hotted up now .All my long unwinding diary writing is the result of my efforts to fight this sub conscious tweaking .

Here are some more of my brutal preceptions of the sudden image makeover of the brutal politicos in the run up to the polls.

1.The sudden outburst against corruption and loud proclamations about bringing anti graft laws as soon as possible by rg sent me into peals of laughter.A good  joke.
2.The sight of modi looking sheepish and out of place in the kite flying event in which the tinsel strongman clearly overshadowed and rebuffed the political strongman was quite pathetic to behold. 


Friday, January 10, 2014

A box office script from real life.--

My very international diary even if some one from us state dept is peeping in i must write to sort the jigsaw puzzle.
Hub switched on tv at 11 am and news was that Devyani  the diplomat who was facing charges of visa fraud  etc in US  was heading back home.Each news on all 5 Eng channels were so contradictory that it simply confused me and seeing this asked hub me to read tuqlaq the Tamil political mag to get the dough on the on going row.
As per tuglaq this row is being pressed with great rigour by Cong because it involves Sonia Gandhi's future trips to US for health purposes, that is a case has been filed by Sikhs in US court and since sg is only  a leader of a political party  she has no diplomatic immunity and in the on coming elections she may not win or her party may not  secure a majority and so she might not get immunity later either ..                                                                               Since Cong cannot openly admit their dilemma ,public image etc,they are trying their best to quash judicial proceedings in US or influence the govt there to let go in devyani case ,maybe making it a precedent  and paving the way for sg's future trips to US.

Now i could make some sense of the news   that US gave dev a visa but asked the diplomatic immunity that Indian govt  as i remember was hurriedly sought to be  conferred upon her after her arrest by transferring her toUN , and US conferred it on 8 th to be waived so that she could be re arrested .Since Indian govt didn't waive she is being sent back that is, the US is  sending the message that she has broken our--US law and that she will be prosecuted as per US laws if she remains or ever returns to the country..

So how does this play out for sg?Maybe like this---Even if Indian govt grants her diplomatic immunity now , if she lands up in US since a case by Sikhs have already been filed there ,the US may grant her visa but would ask the Indian govt to waive the immunity so that sg faces the music viz the court proceedings in the Sikh genocide case   filed in us court by the survivors  for which summons have already been issued and sg had to escape to India when it was served on her there during her recuperation
So sg cannot visit US  to get treated for her mysterious ailment [cancer or pshycological?] she is suffering from .and has to get treated elsewhere.Frankly as  a citizen of India do i care where she gets treated or not? Not much.Since she is wealthy and powerful she can go for treatment where she pleases .

OK now why am i so interested  in this drama.Because i felt that my life was greatly entwined without my consent of course in this long event.I suppose all political parties in here and maybe the liberals in US played their role in depicting me as the middle class  voice of Indian public to influence favourably that is in favour of the pawn or the bit player --dev in the deviously devised mega event for the sake of sg , whether it landed on its own or was made to land on the lap ,i have no idea,However it was a teaser ,a trailer for the real matter..--dev  is also the proxy for the real big thing.

Why do i say so?

1. I knew i was being worked upon by pf and co constantly for past one month.The pressure was so high that i instinctively knew that the stakes were very high but couldn't quite put my finger till i read tuglq today and grasped the matter.

2. Till today i didn't know the link between dev and sg and me.i had thought in the first instance that it was to do with Aravind having to decide whether to form a govt or not at Delhi

3. i did link ak's decision and my opinion on the matter to having something to do with US.and thought that
that the US politicians were waiting for me to say that it was public preception that ak should form govt so that they may make lavish grants.But i refused to toe this line even under extraordinary pressure by pf and co.
4. The diplomatic row also broke out in the same time and i remember seeing it first on cnn ibn.and Cong and bjp spoke persons or those panelists in favour of bjp , started enacting the drama of injured national pride on TV A build up of non existent public pressure.This was more for bailing out sg   and not about dev at all.!
5.As i had earlier surmised  on my own owing to the extraordinary pressure i was under since the Delhi verdict was announced the real stake was Delhi and dev was a diversionary tactics [to the middle class tv watching me to lose my alertness] and if sg 's treatment was involved  an  tool to seek revenge if her party and govt could not get me to endorse ak and aap 's clean record.thus succeeding in their attempts to fund civil movts and then make them enter politics and then control the internal politics.

6.Definitely the ruling party is involved.Why? 1.To keep the party in relevance through backdoor ,that is in case they do not make it in coming elections and bjp does such civil movts sponsored from US dollars would come in handy to trouble the opposition 2. Take a cut from the largess that may have followed to keep the aap 's subsidy schemes afloat [in indirect manner]3,Forget the cut maybe  take the fund in dollars to prop up a party  which is similar to it but has jumped ten steps ahead in its costly promises and keep saffron .at bay.

I as  a public of bharat was expected to show my disgust and shock at US behaviour.

Now what did i ,the show piece aam aurat do?, wrote diary after diary [under tremendous and dirty emotional and pshco torture] as was intended to, to provide a escape route to conniving political parties which could also include aap  here, as well as liberals  in US .But i didn't play ball  that is act yes act as the conscientious voice of the nation --the public outcry because i actually and honestly felt the following

1.In ak's case it was upto him to take the call

2.If dev had flouted US laws she has to face the music there.

3. Then i realised that political parties were clearly using me as a pawn a pressure tactic or emotional blackmail in both national and international level and i wasn't one bit beholden by the conferment of this unasked for status.and that i would fight the aroma therapy, micro waves, ultra sounds, hypnosis,lacing my early morning dose of eltroxin a tablet for my hypothyrodism with the truth serum/that salty drug that makes me 'want' to write my diary early in the morning a habit that i have acquired only in past 2 years whilst i am putting on too much weight and losing concentration which i realise now is because i am not getting my regular dose  but am taking a different drug altogether and coming to know of it only today--[13.1.14--this is an addition today after i fought the desire to write about political shenangins,that is my curiosity about sg's ailment and if it was  cancer[as per net news],my preceptions, analysis etc the fall out etc, frankly after that contrived urge passed i am just not bothered now at 10 am as to what ails her and more bothered about procuring authentic eltroxin tablets and how  to keep it away from adulterating hands and get relief for my ailment]  and realised this overwhelming desire to do so was due to that early morning dose of laced eltroxin as well as suggestions into my half wakeful state at bed]  and ignore the hostility everywhere and playing of events that is making total strangers enact luridly and suggestively what i did in the privacy of my bathroom or bedroom to shame me into submission, to the maximum extent possible.and try and stick to my original reaction and views when i read a news item or see it on TV.and not parrot what the political class wanted me to

4. On 20 .12.13 i realised with  a shock that US has direct access to my house .i ll write the excerpts from that diary later.And was really shocked and repulsed at our govts total abdication of its sovereignty for selfish political gains as well as repulsed by y the opposition parties connivance

From illusory web[net--blogging] i have gotten enmeshed in a gigantic global Web in real life.

My real story could beat even Matrix which appears childish at front of what politicians and their side kicks can create to try and achieve their  goals.

Who knows , some fellow in US  or mumbai may make a film based on me and rake billions and give me my fair share a la Erin bronkowich, only i am a lot older .
Further i recollect now at 10 .30 pm --10.1.14  that i missed  out mentioning my earlier sentimental blog on 'Surrender' which i blogged  yesterday about how i appreciate a dreaded naxalites surrender putting idealism over violent politics after reading a lot of news items in net that were bent on portraying him a cold blooded killer as some sort of tragic hero struck by conscience conveniently hiding the fact that the police of Chattisgarh had made him surrender.I sort of went along with the syrupy stuff dished out by nearly all msns though  when i first read it as  a news item on newspaper i felt that he had surrendered due to fatigue of a hard and fruitless life in the jungles and nothing more.
Yesterday night i spent a sleepless night and my head cleared[worked upon by pf and co] only after a walk down the streets  and park,and as the fog cleared it dawned upon me that as my blogs and even diary could influence decision makers ,[could be anybody ,but in this case surely US ]  so hurried back home and immediately wrote down my diary at and then blogged it by 10 am ,cancelling my emotional blog on the surrender and clarified my true and honest opinion on the issue[[see my earlier blog]
And at 11 am that day -9 th ,the news broke on tv as i mentioned earlier that dev was heading back to India.

Now ,today at 10 30 pm after watching yet another debate on the diplomat on cnn ibn the coin clicked.Note what i deduce is with the help of that article i tuglaq and the pressure that was put on me non stop .the msns are totally silent on  the underlying current of this whole episode.
ok the coin that clicked was this --maybe US decided not to press charges after reading my naxal blog and granted her diplomatic immunity .The court over there was sticking to its stand of prosecution but maybe just maybe something in diplomactic procedure could have been worked to free her from court proceedings -- setting an precedent maybe on humanitarian grounds  a la obama care for sg as well in future but after i rushed back to clarify [ note i didn't know a thing about sg connection to dev nor did i then associate my blog to US depts decision then] my honest view  at 9 .30 am today they or whom ever [,may be parliamentarians --this is as per tuglaq or even a international jury ]or India or both wanted to show me as a the emotional evidence , realised that what it would be seen through that what i wrote yesterday was clearly under pressure and wasn't my original view.

In this tricky situation the US govt may be[i am joining dots ]  not wanting to go back on the assurance of dropping the charges they hit on the idea of giving the Indian govt the choice to decide her fate by asking them to either waive the immunity and face charges  or frisk her back.we know what happened.
I may have played quite a big role in this dev episode without wanting to.May be i did save her from sure court proceedings but with my subsequent clarification may have aborted  it .
Fine how does this pan for the  more important person --sg as per tuglaq , behind the scenes  involved in this
Not much bothered ,as it is that party's concern.

So this entire dev episode played out in the media could have been carefully choreographed with opposition parties ,diplomats  journos doing their bit for sg either knowingly or unknowingly.
But a shuddh ghee public perception was needed and here is where the blogger sujata morphed into diarist sujata ,the scape goat ,zeroed on and tutored to parrot ,comes in .But after waking up to the reality of my position and resolving not to be exploited as  a pressure factor  and my natural rebellion against excessive coercion  to lie for some body else's sake asserts when the fog clears i quickly set down to correcting and blogging or writing my actual view on the subject.Believe me it is quite indifferent and dry and not all that sentimental humanitarian  hash that i am supposed to be overflowing with.

If there are some gullible viewers in the international community,  especially western countries , the arbiters   on human rights let me make the law of my country viz India very clear.[i have studied law]

1. There is no provision in the Indian law that enables the state to intervene into  a citizens personal life unlike in wn countries, even if such  a person is  certified as mentally ill to give treatment .It is purely left to the family and the individual concerned .Hence even if pf is actually here to cure me [ which has turned exploitative]he is doing it surreptitiously since he has neither the legal or even moral  or religious  right as per Hinduism, the right  to do so.
2.My strict isolation instead of allowing me to socialise resembles more of a house arrest and less of any tangible treatment. Again for the benefit of intl viewers this is being enforced without courts permission .An warrant has never been shown to me or my hub or son.
3.The above two is also not impelled by any altruism since i am being deliberately manipulated to appear as the voice of the Indian middle class whenever the political need arises much against my will.

International jurists with hearts that really bleed  kindly bear the above three in mind whenever my humanitarian write ups are paraded because what was once ,[that is few years back] was voluntary, is now more or less coerced with a definite political motive ..
 13./1.14--10 am
Maybe i achieved the following from 8 th dec20 13 to 9 th jan 14--

1.Prevented US or any other wn nation or developed nation in interfering in our internal affairs  through the garb of  donating funds  and blocked international donations to prop up the aap with its  super subsidy schemes for years  and thus saved delhi's ruination of its development schemes in future  and thus pave way for any govt which could be bjp or some other party  to form  a govt on grounds of development and sound economics which will pay the bill for subsidies if any, as well for  all those social welfare schemes  for poor ,downtrodden etc that are necessary .It is a question of self respect and self reliance.and confidence in our system to take care of our problems.

2. I would have saved devyani from a sure stint in US prisons .
Note all this is political fallout of my principled stand of which i am glad only of the first outcome as i donot want any international busybodies  trifling with our internal affairs and of the second outcome i am not much bothered one way or the other.

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Thursday, January 9, 2014


welcome the news of surrender of prasad  the naxalite.Why do i? His surrender will not bring back to life all those innocents killed in bastar .The carnage that  wounded me internally and made me join a political party last june as i found a link between my suspended status after the failed attempts to make me join the political stream and that fateful after noon.when i was reading a story on tribals, officer,.hunger etc in my favourite arm chair.

                  Though this surrender is not going to dry the tears of the bereaved i duly appreciate the reason behind the surrender apart from health, role of govt etc that of his conscience pricking at mindless violence and having the courage to face and admit this as also his idealism [which i personaly do not approve of those parts that constitutes of  overthrowing the state and the constitution] that refuses to co exist with the  politics within the movt .  --this last bit as admitted by him ...

10.1.14  friday ---10 am

Since this plain Jane's  public preception is so very assiduosly courted and could even form the justification behind decisions taken by the powerful let me make it clear and be very honest about it that my first reaction to any news item is my natural reaction.All the rest that is delving deep into memory aided or influenced by the romanitic picture painted around his surrender by the news papers concerned  and analysing it are after thoughts and later reactions.

My very first reaction that is the natural one  ,on reading about  the surrender of a naxalite who was also responsible for the carnage at bastar was that he had become tired of his long long vanavaas and had called it quits.

note. My reactions published on 9.1.14 fits into the category of after thought.They are not my immediate and natural reaction the said news item. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Abolishing tax---

Should i or shouldn't i ? what does it matter as to which of the parties win in coming general elections since both have treated me shabbily.If that ford funded anarchist supposedly activists turned politicians--ak and co will cut into bjp 's votes it does matter.Not because i trust  all the politicians in bjp to be above board.After all politicians are politicians and they will adjust according to prevailing climate.But some of their ideological moorings is with the rss its parent body  whose ingrained image is that their loyalty and patriotism to Bharat is non negotiable.

so here goes .i had voiced my opinion in my house which is more or less like addressing the public that modi's campaign of constantly attacking Cong is futile since every one of us have similar antipathy ,a natural one against a longest ruling party and ought to counter aap's' corruption corruption' chant with plausible one's like emphasising on the removal of discretionary powers of officials as mooted by modi earlier.

The article in pioneer by G. mukerjee today is similar voicing my earlier  loud reflections in my suspiciously new found interest in politics  which naturally put a break on me  commenting on it immediately.However for reasons given in the introduction and  after undergoing a fortnight long agonising torture to give a clean chit to ak and battling it,and refreshing my memory with articles on it on the net again today this is my view--- From purely a public point of view without going into workable details ,the idea of abolishing income tax and various others is a very attractive inducement to  the electorate to vote  for the party.but the  young educated middle class specially in service sectors which is quite  wary of populism  may feel a sense of losing the stake in the nation building and sense of belonging if  income tax is sought to be totally abolished  and will need credible arguments  to  sell this idea..

What comes to my mind as i make this observation is the milling of angry youngsters in mumbai  demanding action against Pak terrorists by the govt ,since they felt that by being  sincere tax payers they had a stake in nations destiny. and  therefore every right to question the inaction of govt and in holding it accountable .It can be reduced even drastically but not abolished in toto.


Image makeover

In pursuance of my abuses at my on line activity being fettered in the hacked ad bar ,in pursuance of instantaneous transference of this string of abuses to  far far off shores  viz us,in pursuance of the abrupt demitting of a ex judge ,in pursuance of my raising the banner of revolt [after realising only after 1 and half years] against being so callously used by all and sundry and political managers as pressure point to those in dilemma in national and international issues and writing it in my very public private diary, i very warmly welcome the two moves in the ruling camp the very next day.

The rushing of real  young sister to the aid of the brother thus reliving this unreal  sister[who is quite old and actually out of touch ]   of her burden to emote on young women's issues.
second the decision to hire an agency for image makeover at 300 crores!.I need no longer hopefully ascend or descend in emotional scales so as to stoke aggression  or stir compassion
Just how much did i cost?must be dirt cheap.

Suggestions borne out of experience.

1. Deploy an army of net users to find a blueblooded Aam aurat like me and then land this experienced troupe in her vicinity--shadily of course to maintain her unsullied public perception image  and make her regrugriate her views on all matters in constant regularity , with special emphasis on foreign policy .An abusive one would do a good job in ranting against irksome foreign powers.

2.Find a history buff ,preferably a loner with a stubborn streak in maintaining a blog on Hinduism and land a similar troupe in the vicinity of this person's house [such bloggers are dime a dozen ]and get  confessional rabid communal blogs periodically that would stymie the arch rivals camps secular overtures whose followers overwhelm the net.
Note ; ppts .you all landed on my house to teach me a lesson for swimming against the tide  .Now with the result in Delhi and anointment of the untouchable tell me who was actually  swimming against the tide?
note;Further with my contamination due to constant forcible contact with you all  i too have become more or less like you all --losing the grasp of things.

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Monday, January 6, 2014

Women's affairs.

Politico's and journo's donot hoodwink the national and inter national community by projecting me as the conscience keeper of the nation in general and women;s affairs in particular.

Frankly i am well past the age where one is swept away by emotions sought to be whipped up by the media in  women's issue and also not sufficiently interested rather to put it quite plainly am totally indifferent to the current wave upon wave of women's affairs that is projected as sweeping across archaic Bharat. To form an opinion in what is projected as emotive issue + as gross human rights violation i first need to read all the material that is available on these matters   to arrive at a conclusion.I neither have the interest nor the patience to do so.

That is i refuse to be swept away by emotions generated either with eye on political gains or for some human rights activists to score points by the cacophonous media without first thoroughly going through the facts of the matter at hand.

And kindly hackers ,do not co relate my activity --cursing etc on the address bar in the net or that which i have only saved and not published with any emotive news that is being spread thick by the nerve wracking  media.
 And all those  who have the audacious privelege  of listening in to my verbal rants specially those of which associated with politics -an domain i wasn't much interested all my life be rest assured that it  could be definetly be tweaked to suit any faction of any political party or any set of  journos idealogies.This also applies to my son's or husband's or those relatives  wise observations as against my deliberately stirred garrulousness.

Further  all those interested in maintaining me as a instrument of presurre tactics viz an tool for emotional blackmail i will desist  forcible [shadowy/pshychological]compliance to the maximum extent possible  even if it shows me in a bad light.

Sujataism 2 -my new blog

Dear viewers ,
                         Hereafter my posts on hinduism, history and pilgrimage tour diaries will be published in my new  blog Sujataism 2.

All are invited to read them.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Vote of confidence and the swan song.

The bedtime vibhithabharathi film song that was played  yesterday night was one which sounded like one of k.l.Saighals old hit --dil jalta hai  tho jalnede---that advised one to douse the fires that have been kindled to a raging inferno within.It was grating and maybe meant to provoke a regular listener like me [ofcourse after playing around with my pshyche and moulding it on the supposedly dismayed opposition]on the day when the vote of confidence was won by the aap with the help of congress.
Today i looked up that legendary singer of yesteryear's songs on the u tube and came upon this short ,sweet and very apt song of his ,which flows as follows---

Mein kya janoon kya jadoo hai ?, jadoo hai ? jadoo hai?
yin dho mathu vale neiynome, kya jadoo hai? kya jadoo hai? kya jadoo hai?
mannu pooch rahaa hai ab mujse  neiyno ne kaha hai  kya tujse?

how do i know what the magic is?magic is ? magic is?
what  is the attraction between this pair?
now my heart is asking the question as to what one told the other?

Or if my emotions were deliberately stoked  to make me let out a diatribe on all politicians [invoking the wrath of my late son ,if at all only he can see and feel and even remedy all the humiliations i am  being subject to which no mortal is willing to ,and the order was in following manner,first and foremost rg and co for continuing with this crazy and illegal and unconstitutional  year and half long setup during which i came to know courtesy pf and co all the divisions in society as to which of my neighbour was a sc and the hostility harboured by that segment as well as some minorities in the vicinity,which i had never in my decade or so long stay in this mixed flats was ever aware of as i saw them all as equal to me, another resident with usual family celebrations and problems  and exhibiting poverty  and physical deformities and handicaps to such a extent that i who was once quite sympathetic to their plight became quite indifferent ,and for preventing me from undertaking social service or immersing in spirituality by making my pilgrimages exceedingly tiresome and vitiating the serene atmosphere at temples  , next in line is ak and co who was an activist and who knew my plight  but did nothing to help me --a member of the very same civil society causes he champions ,didn't even inform my son or my hub making my isolation complete and didn't bother to send some his volunteers to demonstrate at the least outside my flat or at least contact me and offer his moral support but instead like a typical politician he used my pain filled blogs to score points over rival politicians and has even become the cm and  last in this order comes mo and co who thumps on the constitution as the gita in public but has no compunctions in invading the right to privacy as per art 21 guaranteed to every citizen ,by reading my personal diary and using it to script some of his speeches].     that evening for trifling with my privacy and that song  that further irritated me was an perverse acknowledgement of the services rendered for scripting  some of the politically emotional bits in the swan song of the pm today  who would have enjoyed saigal songs in his youth [30' and 40's] then the following song of that unique singer has a uncanny resemblance to his speech today--

Hey aye -e- taqdeer mujhse ithuna bathade , ithuna bathade '
kyon mujhse kafa hai tu?
kya mene kiya hai? kya meina kiya hai?

Hey destiny tell me this  just this why is every one angry at me?
what did i do? what did i do?

The song of  suited to my times  sung by kishore kumar naturally comes up to my mind as this press conference is
. seen by most as a step in making way for a new overt leadership.

"aane wala pal janne wala hai ,
ho sake tho isime zindagi beethalo kal jo jaane wala hai.'

What will come will also go,
if possible enjoy this moment

Note;When i wrote the confession on june 29 th 2012that i 'd like to swim against the tide what i actually meant was that i was rebelling against coercion and refused to be arm twisted.I was rebelling against the coercive tactics to stop me from blogging or make me join a political party  or even both .i was rebelling against the unconstitutional and forcible clamping down of my rights  which is enjoyed by all citizens  and dug my heels   to the extent possible against the selfish desires and wishes of some one else's , a wish that i join politics , a wish  which i never had and .i held out as long as possible even when force was replaced  by equally coercive persuasive tactics .                                                                                                             The  coersion is still continuing  to pour my heart out in my very very public diary to bail out dirty politicians non existent  patriotic and selective  compassionate image who could find links to suit their needs in my imaginative writings  and so is my rebellion against their hypocricy. This is in reference to the on going karbode  --indian diplomats row in us.   This is my life and i have to rely solely upon my inner resources not to succumb to dilute or change or add severity  to the corrective measures that nature may have offered ,of its own .
i refuse to  play any role if i do have a role to play in the on going row which to me  is purely  a diplomatic row between two soveriegn countries and their elected representatives..

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