Friday, July 6, 2012

Poor fools.

Eaves droppers never hear good about themselves.You dug too, too deep into my sub conscious [without my or my families permission]and that which has come out has only served to strengenthen the hands of your dreaded adverseries ...Modi and RSS.Bhasmasuras ,you all asked for it. The undoings of excessive doings.

In this unethical and immoral form of interrogation, after first clearing the decks by framing me as a person suffering from shared pshycosis , [even if i appear to be suffering from some such symptoms it is the responsibility of my husband and son to treat and cure me .It is definetly not the State's or of some selfish inhuman right activists who seem to be keen in supplanting Western notions in purely Indian context.The States business is to govern the country as a whole and not a specific individual. Stated simply ,I am none of your business] all the markers of civilisations like culture, scholarship, decency,and human rights were stripped clean and the theme that was deveolped and that remained in the background through out was around two most basic things, one primitive and other historical.

The subjugation and domination of a woman by a man in authority,
And the struggle for supremacy between two historical adversaries.

The excerpts from my diary 29.6.12 thereafter provides the answer to the above two.

By the way thanks for spreading the word around that i am a serial killer with serious pshychotic problems .Every body around me are scared stiff of me though initially they did pitch in to bring me around they have now all started to give me a wide berth,weary of their fruit less efforts, giving me back my much needed solitude.Even the auto wllaha the toughest nuts to crack dare not bargain with me and go against my will fearing an instant violent reprisal.

The neighbourhood pshycho doc has let loose a pshycho serial killer in the neighbourhood, who is constantly on the prowl.

PS. Why am i not seeking legal recourse?It will be too long winding and painstaking.The worst is over andI'll just weather out the rest.[Yet another confession !]


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