Saturday, June 30, 2012

The confession.....June 28 th 2012.

Every thing is falling into its place .All this third degree treatment meted to me is the attempt of politicians of both sides to secure their position.

Team Anna sought BJP's help when they received a jolt at Mumbai when the expected crowds didn't turn up.So proving the politicians point that they are indispensable in running this country as well protecting all those harrassed by the ruling party.

Baba Ramdev's confidence received a hammering when his crowd was crudely lathi charged at midnight and when ED cases were foisted on him .so he visited all politicians , though in opposition, neverthless politicians to secure their protection.

Mine is the worst case in this civil society or activist versus politicians tussle .

The insecurities of the minorities [my posts on hinduism and recent gujarat visit ]coupled with the insecurities of the political class as a whole which was aggravated by the initial sponteneous response to the Anna movement, made me the recepient of the worst form of retaliatory punishment ,one, no member of civil society has faced so far individually.

Third degree methods used in police interrogation was replicated with suitable adaptations ,[my house became and probably is the interrogation cell,] to put the fear of ruling party's might and clout and make me run straight into the welcoming arms of BJP.

Bloody Charlie was 90 % near his goal.

Thankfully my brother diagonised the ailment perfectly,after patiently going through my recent posts ,observing that i seemed to have been driven to my breaking point and saw the hands of a double agent.He was very near the point but couldn't get the real reason thinking that the two parties were in need of national leaders and i with my political background and sound english and general knowledge would suit any of them perfectly.Poor bother as usual has a very high opinion of his sister's abilities.

The only reason that comes to my mind is that though neither party needs me to win elections for them they definetly want an public endorsement that politicians are indispensable , the ultimate protector of the realms and if i who appear apolitical in blogs vaccilating between right and left as occasion arises , criticise and comment and maybe some what inspirational to the' civil society 'crumble under this sustained pressure , thinking that all Muslims are out to get me and i seek refuge in the only alternative to protect a beleagured Hindu like me viz BJP .

Once i do so i'll no longer be a big fish in a small pond but one amongst the many. My uniqueness will be merged . I'll join the troop of the much derided politicos and dip my hand in funds and revel in power , glory and office. My voice will never be heard in the cacophony of sounds. I'll become one of the thousands swimming along with the tide and not those few who swim against it.What ever little say i have now ,will be completely drowned.

I'll take the advise of my hub and bub and ignore all this as i prefer to be a big fish in a small pond.

Go to hell all you perverts.

PS.Sly Charlie slipped in and read this confession in my diary whilst i was walking under dark clouds on the terrace and intimated it to his political bosses immediately. This post is for those , who donot enjoy that privelege of evasdropping and scanning everything as a matter of right into my privacy. if there are any such persons, who are allowed to read my posts.

PPs.Charlie has got his confession .His work is over.A specialist, who tormented me,[who by now may have slipped into annonymity as is his trade], yet masochistically i'll be missing his untiring antics and his bagfull of tricks for a quite a while.

PPS.Now that the operation 'Taming of the shrew' is over remove the cameras and go and drown your selves in the murky cess pool of politics ,the dirty game for power you power brokers and leave me alone to my musings.


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