Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Double faced.

I was sort of convinced at the very outset itself that the pale faced peeping Tom on the upper floor belongs to the Intel dept ,probably CBI but was often dissuaded from thinking so, on and off by his unprofessional churlish and vengeful antics.I still have a sneaking suspicion that he is as harmless as the proverbial comedian Charlie Chaplin -- is nowhere in the league of the smart and sauve secret agents like James Bond, or ISI operatives ,i seem to delude myself into thinking, some times.However he has taken total control of my flat ,and over, all the electrical connections and electronics gadgets and my life ,but not my spirit, and has the temerity to carry on and on with third degree methods that is possible only with a strong political backing or is in the Intel dept and having its mandate or both.

If so, how can the govt that is currently advocating the fielding of Muslim policemen to oversee Muslims in sensitive areas is not practising what it is preaching by posting a Muslim who seems to have shinnied up not due to any intellect but being an expert in employing third degree methods that to cost effective ones by roping in friends and relatives to assist him at a nominal price in the project'Agraharam Jarawah' ,and is a disgrace for the 'Crack'Bureau of Investigation to have in its ranks this Cerebraly Bankrupt Investigator,to be my overseer / jail warden ?As per the govts own reasoning it is only logical for it to have posted a Hindu that to a Tamil Brahmin, an Ayengar,in this sensitive area, to watch and watch me tirelessly and not this person a mussalman whose religion and the prejudices associated with that faith is liable to cloud his vision and thus deter him from acting in a purely professional manner,as he has amply proved time and time again.

PS.Instead of this perverted form of house arrest does any one out there have the gall to throw me in a proper prison and tighten the noose around me poste haste and do away with me,[ a dangerous right wing saffron terrorist who is a communalist to the core, a serial temple goer who doesn't at a drop of the hat mouth'Insallah' or 'Jesus' but only communal namasmaran like 'Rama' and 'Narayana', who recently committed the most heinous act of visiting the kafir country Gujarat and is plotting to visit the unmentionable place 'Ayodhya 'the sacred name that has become a pariah in the current lexicons,whilst all the while will be publishing inflammatory articles like the translations of Aazhwars hymns and Desikans stotrams and also continue with seditious activities like passing comments on the benevolent despots],ahead of the most venerable State guests like poor misguided Kasab and all those hapless terrorists, our own people, who only need the human touch to reform and absolve them, lest i the most dreaded terrorist of all wreak more havoc!

PPS.Dear nationalist bloggers and Aravind we may not be saints but at times we happen to speak the truth and that is unpalatable to most in the times we live in..It is the working of Kali yuga.

There is a saying in Tamil ..Thalaikku mele vellam ponal jaan enna muzham yenna?

meaning 'When one is drowned in flood waters does it matter whether its level above the head has risen by a inch or a feet?.

Hence this post and all the preceding posts on the perverts for the past few weeks.

PPS. Since i have defiled this blog by constantly mentioning the perverts i'll do a purifecatory by publishing a sloka of Sri Desikan,next.


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