Sunday, June 17, 2012

To my virtual friends.

This post is strictly for my friends and well wishers .Perverts keep off!

Dear friends those of you who may be genuinely interested in my plight , this is what happened ..

Though the web of terror has been professionally and skilfully woven to distract and portray me as some sort of nut even within my close family, the architects didn't reckon with one small but very important aspect of my life especially the married life[stupid oafs, these so called pro's,they slipped and how!] , though they have painstakingly rifled through my certs, my gibberish rantings in my mile long diaries, medical history,documents and photos in my empty house during our recent trip to Kerala and desecarted the photos of a dead man --Vidat [ ,the Intelligence blokes , accompanied by vile and perverted cronies,all sweat and no gains, couldn't find a single incriminating evidence to nail me as closet terrorist or find any hidden loot]and planted their cameras in a voyeuristic manner and drummed up the support of locals -neighbours, thugs ,rowdies, auto,van, car drivers ,gas delivery men,lazy layabouts who would sell their mother's for a bit of cash etc to goggle at me aggressively whilst i take my daily constitutional on the terrace or whilst meditating in my balcony drinking in the beauty of the gently flapping translucent leaves of the Arasamaram and lapping up the graceful movements of the delicate boughs of ornamental and neem trees and had overheard our heated arguments and fights , they completely missed out a glaring point , as glaring as the lights installed right outside my room [by a johnny ,a worker in the MES but thinks he is its owner] as brilliant as floodlights in a film studio , that in my regular fights with my husband, in which i have pulled out long dead ancestors from Vaikuntum, passed hurting comments on his family members and also didn't spare some of my Hindu neighbours , never once did i ever mention my Muslim neighbours negatively.Since they were as quiet as a mice and quite nice.

Till April 2012 i had no occasion to mention them. Hence my husband ,though sceptical at his wife's [my] emotional balance did pause and ponder and found a grain of truth in my allegations.Why should i suddenly complain about their harassment when theMuslim neighbours never ,even once figured negatively in our conversations or arguments in all the 10 years we have resided in these flats??

So the first step was taken and he complained to the Chennai police.They assured him that experts would be dispatched to inspect the house . This was nearly two weeks back.They are yet to arrive.Yet the services of the police is my best bet and i am counting on their support..

By the way i surfed the net [i was allowed to by my supremely confident jailers]that educated me on the most plausible places to hide these spy cams and detected some of them .But it definetly requires sophisticated equipments to detect the hard wired ones.

Meanwhile a silver lining in my clouded life. My brother believed me instantly.Blood is thicker than water.But he too was perplexed at this pinpointed attack .On hearing from me about the social media and its unfathomable impacts he concluded that this was nothing but the continuation of a feud that started with my grand father-MA Ayengar ,whose friend was Rajendra prasad and mentor Sardar Patel the staunch Hindu faction of the Congress ranged on one side and Nehru and his staunch aethiest communist co's on the other.The two factions of the Congress at the time of Independence as well as there after! So he gave me this bit of on the political history of our family which i was unaware till now.Though our guiding philosophy was strictly communism, a life shorn of rituals and a condescending attitude towards Hindu way of life andNehruvian socialism in our formative years of growing up,thanks to my father who was a Communist to the core,I suppose the genes i inherited from my truly Hindu Grand dad surfaces now and then of its own and is primarily the cause of me being roasted alive in the current set up.

Sounds like a interesting film or a Shakespearean drama or mafia vendetta or a Alfred Hitch cock thriller?.Well facts are stranger than fiction.History has repeated itself and now the feuding groups are solitary KC vs RG and his grand entrouge'.Grand daughter vs great grand son! Mm dynasty sure has its firm hold on politics in our country.And i learnt it in a bitter way,being on the receiving end.

How can one rule effectively over the subjects, the vast majority, one fears and not loves and is wary of and not identifying with?

I really wish that i am only fantasising like the perverted pale faced Charlie on the upper floor is fantasising about me in a black burkha [ he has mentally converted me to islam] ,on a pilgrimage to Mecca and blogging about it and trying to control and restrict my movements in my flat which he is imagining to be his jenana..
Every attempt made by my husband to get a private experts to inspect the house has been blocked. The phone calls are diverted. Everything is fixed.

What lays ahead? Would i become a purdah nashin woman or get embroiled in court cases seeking not less than 100 crores in damages?Let's see.

Dear virtual friends , one's who really care, do drop by my house and show me that you care.

PS.If you have it in you , u perverts , publish this post for public consumption.

PPS.Pilgrimage to'Ayodhya' a divya desam is next on my itinerary. Though my fingers may twitch to tap out my observations on Ayodhya I hope to curb it and merely upload decent photos, since the fact is that in the current set up any one apart from me in India can visit Ayodhya and write about it , but if i do it would be considered malicious, instigative as well as blasphemous at the same time!


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